How to Decorate in Country Home Prints
- 1). Group your country prints by theme. You might arrange them by season or by contents. For example, winter country prints might show warm fires and quilts, while more summery prints might have flowers and warm, sunny images.
- 2). Separate your themed groups into prints that work well together due to shape as well as content. For example, if you have five prints for fall and three of them have the same dimensions, you might place those three in a group and keep the other two separate. You will use them all, but you may use the similarly dimensioned ones as a group.
- 3). Hang the prints for the current season on the wall. Group them in a way that will work for all your print theme groups. For example, you might have three prints in a row or a large print with two smaller ones on either side of it. Whatever you work out, make sure that the shapes and themes work for the other groups too so that you do not have to constantly pull nails out of the wall and then hammer them back in according to the season.
- 4). Make sure that the prints are visible when you first enter the room. You might hang a group of them over a mantle or position one larger print over a sofa. Placing them next to mirrors or by entryways also brings them to a viewer's attention upon entry, as does hanging them over a shelf and then placing some country decor items such as small wicker baskets or wooden apples on the shelf to accompany them.
- 5). Change out the prints when the seasons change. When the weather cools and fall arrives, remove your summery prints and replace them with seasonal prints that show beautiful fall colors, harvested apples or warm fires. This will change the entire atmosphere of your room while maintaining the simple, calm effects of country prints. Of course, when Christmas nears, you will change out the prints again for seasonal images and then switch to winter after the holiday season is done.
- 6). Use frames to accent the prints. If your prints came in frames, then you may not want to reframe them. However, using lighter woods for spring and summer and darker woods for fall and winter can also change the feel of a room without your having to make major changes in decor.