Lower Abdominal Exercises - These Work So Well You Will Get Sore
You lower abdominals always seem to be the hard to reach place.
To have a full six pack you need to work them.
Doing hundreds of crunches a day will not cut it.
They are ineffective anyway.
Here are some of the most powerful lower abdominal exercises.
Reverse Crunches - These are very effective.
they don't for equipment either so you can do them at home if you like.
Swiss Ball Pull ins - These are a little challenging at first like hanging knee raises but very effective.
You will need an exercise ball.
You will start getting results within a couple of weeks.
To have a full six pack you need to work them.
Doing hundreds of crunches a day will not cut it.
They are ineffective anyway.
Here are some of the most powerful lower abdominal exercises.
Reverse Crunches - These are very effective.
they don't for equipment either so you can do them at home if you like.
- Start by laying on the floor.
- Lift your legs up and bend your knees so your calves (lower part of your legs) are parallel to the floor.
- Rest your arms on the side and pull your legs back until your knees just about touch your chest.
- Bring them back to the starting position and you have done one rep.
- Grab on to a pull up bar with your palms facing away from you.
- Keep your body straight.
- Then without swinging lift your knees up to touch your chest.
- Then gently lower them.
Swiss Ball Pull ins - These are a little challenging at first like hanging knee raises but very effective.
You will need an exercise ball.
- Get into a push up position only this time rest your shins on top the exercise ball.
- Pull in the ball so that your knees just about touch your chest.
- Then push them back out to complete the rep.
You will start getting results within a couple of weeks.