Do You Know How to Make a Violin?
If you are fond of crafts and really want to undertake a project that will fetch you immense satisfaction and pride, then you can consider making a musical instrument - and too, a violin.
But, building any craft calls for patience, aptitude and skills and making a violin is no different.
Needless to say, a violin is a delicate musical instrument and the keyword is precision - if you truly want I to produce high quality sound.
Once you are determined to make a violin, then there are numerous do-it-yourself guides available to help you achieve the task.
As a first step, it will be worthwhile to know the various materials that will be required to make a violin: • A violin mold - as most violins are of a standard mold, you may find it easy to get one.
• Wood-maple and spruce • Sound post • Tailpiece • Fingerboard • Clamps • Blocks of wood - the recommended ones being cedar, poplar or willow • Wood glue of acceptable quality • Violin-making iron - this will be available in a specialty shop • An ebony strip for use as fingerboard • Carpentry tools - saw, rasp and a file • Violin spares - bridge, strings, and tuning pegs (available in specialty stores) Once you have gathered all the required materials and created a convenient work space, you can commence the production work.
• Maple wood is to be used for the neck, back plate and ribs of a violin.
Spruce is used for making the front plate.
For the ribs, you shall require several strips of maple veneer.
The small blocks carved from spruce will be used in the corners of the violin to lend support.
These will keep the ribs intact.
• To make the wedges you, you will have to saw down, splitting into two making them only half as thick.
Then glue them together at the end.
Now this piece of wood represents a plate of wood that can be cut out for the front and the back plates.
• Now use a file to shape the small spruce blocks.
Once these are filed, glue them to the block shaped holes in the edges of the curved form.
These small blocks form the corners of the violin shape, so make sure that they synchronize with the curves of the edges and fit well.
• Bend the maple veneers to make the ribs.
Use bending iron to bend the veneers.
Six of these will be needed for filling in the space between the blocks in the top left and top right, bottom left and bottom right and middle right and middle left.
Bend the strips for the middle just before you fit them in the form.
Glue these strips in the empty spaces between the blocks.
• Make a rough outline and patiently and carefully carve out the shape using a saw.
File the edges for an aesthetic appearance.
Get the curves right and ensure that each plate has a flat bottom.
Refer to a book for information regarding the exact measurements • Start working from the edges to the plate exterior and then go to the curve.
You could use electric tools, if you find that more convenient.
Carry out this entire procedure with both front and back plates.
• Now use a hacksaw and drill to cut out F hole.
As a bass bar has to be inserted onto the front plate, you may fix a wooden bar in the interior section of the plate using some glue.
• Now carve out the slim neck of your violin with wood to exact length.
• Maple strips should be glued to the upper and lower section of the interior of the ribs.
Also fill the Inner side of the blocks.
With this, you have created the support system for the front and back plates.
• Now glue the ribs to the top plate.
From the front block of ribs and the top plate, you will have to cut out a section to form a slot to place the neck.
Now glue on the back plate.
• Now follow instructions in a reference book to put on the sound post, tailpiece, fingerboard, pegs, bridge, and strings.
But, building any craft calls for patience, aptitude and skills and making a violin is no different.
Needless to say, a violin is a delicate musical instrument and the keyword is precision - if you truly want I to produce high quality sound.
Once you are determined to make a violin, then there are numerous do-it-yourself guides available to help you achieve the task.
As a first step, it will be worthwhile to know the various materials that will be required to make a violin: • A violin mold - as most violins are of a standard mold, you may find it easy to get one.
• Wood-maple and spruce • Sound post • Tailpiece • Fingerboard • Clamps • Blocks of wood - the recommended ones being cedar, poplar or willow • Wood glue of acceptable quality • Violin-making iron - this will be available in a specialty shop • An ebony strip for use as fingerboard • Carpentry tools - saw, rasp and a file • Violin spares - bridge, strings, and tuning pegs (available in specialty stores) Once you have gathered all the required materials and created a convenient work space, you can commence the production work.
• Maple wood is to be used for the neck, back plate and ribs of a violin.
Spruce is used for making the front plate.
For the ribs, you shall require several strips of maple veneer.
The small blocks carved from spruce will be used in the corners of the violin to lend support.
These will keep the ribs intact.
• To make the wedges you, you will have to saw down, splitting into two making them only half as thick.
Then glue them together at the end.
Now this piece of wood represents a plate of wood that can be cut out for the front and the back plates.
• Now use a file to shape the small spruce blocks.
Once these are filed, glue them to the block shaped holes in the edges of the curved form.
These small blocks form the corners of the violin shape, so make sure that they synchronize with the curves of the edges and fit well.
• Bend the maple veneers to make the ribs.
Use bending iron to bend the veneers.
Six of these will be needed for filling in the space between the blocks in the top left and top right, bottom left and bottom right and middle right and middle left.
Bend the strips for the middle just before you fit them in the form.
Glue these strips in the empty spaces between the blocks.
• Make a rough outline and patiently and carefully carve out the shape using a saw.
File the edges for an aesthetic appearance.
Get the curves right and ensure that each plate has a flat bottom.
Refer to a book for information regarding the exact measurements • Start working from the edges to the plate exterior and then go to the curve.
You could use electric tools, if you find that more convenient.
Carry out this entire procedure with both front and back plates.
• Now use a hacksaw and drill to cut out F hole.
As a bass bar has to be inserted onto the front plate, you may fix a wooden bar in the interior section of the plate using some glue.
• Now carve out the slim neck of your violin with wood to exact length.
• Maple strips should be glued to the upper and lower section of the interior of the ribs.
Also fill the Inner side of the blocks.
With this, you have created the support system for the front and back plates.
• Now glue the ribs to the top plate.
From the front block of ribs and the top plate, you will have to cut out a section to form a slot to place the neck.
Now glue on the back plate.
• Now follow instructions in a reference book to put on the sound post, tailpiece, fingerboard, pegs, bridge, and strings.