Topic How to Choose Electrolysis Hair Removal Machine
How to choose an electrolysis hair removal machine is an interesting question many practitioners ask. Does it really make a difference? Is one type is better than another type of electrolysis hair removal machine. Does more expensive equal better quality? Does more expensive give a better treatment?
The first question we must ask ourselves is …. What is an epilator? There is some confusion over the term ‘Epilators' and Epilation. Manufacturing companies call their electrolysis permanent hair removal machines epilators, electrolysis being the only permanent hair removal method suitable for all skin and hair colours and types. Also concurring with this understanding of the term ‘epilators' and ‘epilation' is a number of highly respected UK awarding body qualifications which categorise electrical epilation treatments, using epilators, under the heading of electrolysis, permanent hair removal and set the standards for those pursuing a career as an electrolysist.
However there are home use rotary type ‘epilators', marketed in 1986, which are a temporary hair removal machine and work by grabbing and plucking out the hair. They have confused the previous understanding and meaning of the word epilator having become very popular in recent years and effectively taken ownership of the term ‘epilator'. Quite inexplicably, electrolysis permanent hair removal and temporary methods are classified together. There are also some electrolysis permanent hair removal home use kits which are dangerous in the wrong hands as electrolysis hair removal is a true skill requiring thorough and exhaustive training.
Presuming an epilator offering electrolysis permanent hair removal epilator is what is desired then there is a plethora of epilators to choose from. An epilator that offers all three modalities e.g. Blend, Thermolysis and Galvanic such as the SX-B, SX –T and SX- G is essential as it means that the full choice is available to offer thus resulting in happy satisfied clients and that every client can be helped irrespective of their hair type or colour or skin type or colour.
It is essential to choose a machine from a reputable company, preferably one made in Britain so that if anything requires attention it can be prompt and immediate rather than sending it away to another country for servicing.   Â
Modern epilators offer feature keypad operation and digital displays for ease of use. They use the latest technology and the machines are highly versatile. They offer all three modalities including Thermolysis, Galvanic or Blend Epilator either separately or together in one unit. The complete package often includes other items in addition to the epilator thus allowing the practitioner to have all requirements in one purchase. Items may include: mains lead, unswitched needle holder, footswitch, electrode and red cable, one spare red cable, 50 needles, sharps box, aftercare cream, badge, client aftercare leaflet, client promotional leaflets, information leaflets and epilator manual, training CD ROM and possibly a free product training.
So does more expensive equal better quality? The answer is no. Bells, whistles and ‘extras' are all superficial and do not make a difference to the actual treatment. What is really important is the skill and experience of the operator and for them to use an epilator that has been purchased from a respected renowned professional company who will offer training, advice and after sales support for the practitioner.
The first question we must ask ourselves is …. What is an epilator? There is some confusion over the term ‘Epilators' and Epilation. Manufacturing companies call their electrolysis permanent hair removal machines epilators, electrolysis being the only permanent hair removal method suitable for all skin and hair colours and types. Also concurring with this understanding of the term ‘epilators' and ‘epilation' is a number of highly respected UK awarding body qualifications which categorise electrical epilation treatments, using epilators, under the heading of electrolysis, permanent hair removal and set the standards for those pursuing a career as an electrolysist.
However there are home use rotary type ‘epilators', marketed in 1986, which are a temporary hair removal machine and work by grabbing and plucking out the hair. They have confused the previous understanding and meaning of the word epilator having become very popular in recent years and effectively taken ownership of the term ‘epilator'. Quite inexplicably, electrolysis permanent hair removal and temporary methods are classified together. There are also some electrolysis permanent hair removal home use kits which are dangerous in the wrong hands as electrolysis hair removal is a true skill requiring thorough and exhaustive training.
Presuming an epilator offering electrolysis permanent hair removal epilator is what is desired then there is a plethora of epilators to choose from. An epilator that offers all three modalities e.g. Blend, Thermolysis and Galvanic such as the SX-B, SX –T and SX- G is essential as it means that the full choice is available to offer thus resulting in happy satisfied clients and that every client can be helped irrespective of their hair type or colour or skin type or colour.
It is essential to choose a machine from a reputable company, preferably one made in Britain so that if anything requires attention it can be prompt and immediate rather than sending it away to another country for servicing.   Â
Modern epilators offer feature keypad operation and digital displays for ease of use. They use the latest technology and the machines are highly versatile. They offer all three modalities including Thermolysis, Galvanic or Blend Epilator either separately or together in one unit. The complete package often includes other items in addition to the epilator thus allowing the practitioner to have all requirements in one purchase. Items may include: mains lead, unswitched needle holder, footswitch, electrode and red cable, one spare red cable, 50 needles, sharps box, aftercare cream, badge, client aftercare leaflet, client promotional leaflets, information leaflets and epilator manual, training CD ROM and possibly a free product training.
So does more expensive equal better quality? The answer is no. Bells, whistles and ‘extras' are all superficial and do not make a difference to the actual treatment. What is really important is the skill and experience of the operator and for them to use an epilator that has been purchased from a respected renowned professional company who will offer training, advice and after sales support for the practitioner.