Finding the right baby bedding set
When searching for the perfect baby/toddler bedding with a little person I found that I had to be diligent and patient. Either that or leave that tiny little person at home. But, since I wanted to take him along and let him give me some ideas of what he liked, before I purchased the bedding, I decided to make a day of it. Being a doting Grandmother, and he being the smartest little kid I know, who voices his opinion in all matters, I felt it would not only be challenging but fun for us both. So, taking him by the hand we walked the Mall looking for some good baby bedding [] places to shop. He spotted it first, and pulling me into a very nice bedding store, we started our task.
Since his third birthday was coming up soon, we wanted to find the perfect baby/toddler bedding for his room. I so wanted to find something that he loved, hoping he would not get too bored on the shopping trip. We all are certainly aware of how bored little ones can get when they are looking for something other than toys! Sometimes it can be more trouble than it is worth when they are dragging you to the toy section, and toys are not your main objective.
The choices out there are many. Naturally he went right for the Disney themes and I could not steer him away from all the cute bedding ensembles. Toy Story, being one of his favorite movies, was the first one we came upon. Many varieties of Toy Story were available to choose from. They also had plenty of the Cars themes, which he also loves so we had to go through all those as well. Then along came Spider Man and Super Heroes and I could not change his mind on that one! He was Spider Man on Halloween so that was foremost on his little mind after first picking out Spider Man pajamas. Guess he thought he had to have the whole shebang if he was going for Spider man bedding! He told me that he just had to wear those Spider Man pajamas if he was going to sleep under Spider Man toddler bedding. Seemed to be a requirement somehow! So that is what we chose.
One the way home he was so excited to put on those pajamas, even at four o'clock in the afternoon. So once we were in the door, on they went. Then, we made up his bed with the new toddler bedding. Spider Man was on! He tore open the package like it was Christmas and even tried helping me put them on the bed. What a little helper boy! Once we were finished we had to put on the Spider Man movie so he could curl up into his new bedding. Of course, I was also required to watch this movie again with him, although who can guess how many times we have watched it together.
It turned out to be a great day shopping for baby toddler bedding and then just hanging out with my little grandson watching his movie. It wasn't long before both of us were napping. Guess we will have to finish that movie tomorrow.
Since his third birthday was coming up soon, we wanted to find the perfect baby/toddler bedding for his room. I so wanted to find something that he loved, hoping he would not get too bored on the shopping trip. We all are certainly aware of how bored little ones can get when they are looking for something other than toys! Sometimes it can be more trouble than it is worth when they are dragging you to the toy section, and toys are not your main objective.
The choices out there are many. Naturally he went right for the Disney themes and I could not steer him away from all the cute bedding ensembles. Toy Story, being one of his favorite movies, was the first one we came upon. Many varieties of Toy Story were available to choose from. They also had plenty of the Cars themes, which he also loves so we had to go through all those as well. Then along came Spider Man and Super Heroes and I could not change his mind on that one! He was Spider Man on Halloween so that was foremost on his little mind after first picking out Spider Man pajamas. Guess he thought he had to have the whole shebang if he was going for Spider man bedding! He told me that he just had to wear those Spider Man pajamas if he was going to sleep under Spider Man toddler bedding. Seemed to be a requirement somehow! So that is what we chose.
One the way home he was so excited to put on those pajamas, even at four o'clock in the afternoon. So once we were in the door, on they went. Then, we made up his bed with the new toddler bedding. Spider Man was on! He tore open the package like it was Christmas and even tried helping me put them on the bed. What a little helper boy! Once we were finished we had to put on the Spider Man movie so he could curl up into his new bedding. Of course, I was also required to watch this movie again with him, although who can guess how many times we have watched it together.
It turned out to be a great day shopping for baby toddler bedding and then just hanging out with my little grandson watching his movie. It wasn't long before both of us were napping. Guess we will have to finish that movie tomorrow.