How to Install Linoleum Stick Tiles
- 1). Remove the baseboard trim, if applicable, using a hammer and pry bar. Set the trim aside for reinstallation when the new flooring is completed.
- 2). Prepare the existing floor area for the tile. You can install self-adhesive linoleum tiles over any level, secure floor material, as long as the surface is flat and clean. Sweep and vacuum the floor to remove any dirt, dust or other debris. Remove any loose, warped or raised flooring, and fill any cracks, gaps or holes with a patching compound. Allow any patching to cure fully according to the manufacturer's directions. If necessary, sand the patch flat before proceeding.
- 3). Measure the floor area's width, and mark the center point on both sides of the room. Offset the center marks to the left and right by half the width of the linoleum tile you are installing, then connect the two offset marks using a chalk line. Stretch the chalk line from one point to the other, then snap the line so that it leaves a line of chalk, creating your mark. You will have two guidelines, one tile width apart, centered on the width of the floor area.
- 4). Repeat Step 3 for the length of the floor area to create two intersecting guidelines for the tiles. The result is two guidelines, one tile width apart, centered on the length of the floor area and creating a single centered tile box in the center of the floor.
- 5). Remove the paper backing from a piece of the linoleum tile, and apply it to the floor in the marked box at the intersection of the four guidelines. Press the tile down firmly to adhere it to the floor surface.
- 6). Remove the paper backing from another piece of linoleum tile, and apply it to the floor adjacent to the center tile with the edges aligned to the guidelines and the previous tile piece. Press the tile down firmly to adhere it to the floor surface. Repeat for each adjacent tile in the row until there is no room for a full tile.
- 7). Return to the center tile, and repeat Step 6 to complete the tile rows in all four directions from the center tile.
- 8). Continue placing the linoleum tiles to fill in the four sections of floor defined by the center lines. Work from the center row toward the walls, keeping the tile edges tight together at all adjacent edges before pressing the tile into place.
- 9). Measure and cut the perimeter tile pieces as needed, using a tile cutter or utility knife . You can use a scoring method to cut the tiles: Using a utility knife, score the surface of the tile several times along the cut line, then bend the tile piece slightly to snap it at the cut line.
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Reinstall the baseboard trim, if applicable.