Instructions for Removing Jeep Doors
- 1). Open the Jeep door and locate the nuts on the bottom of the hinges. There should be two hinges on each door and each hinge should have a single removable nut on the bottom.
- 2). Remove the nuts using the 13 mm socket wrench. Store the nuts in a safe place; you will want them when you put the doors back on.
- 3). Find and remove the swing-limiting strap on the inside of the door. This is a black nylon strap that is attached to the door on one end and looped over a metal rod on the inside of the Jeep's body on the other. You can remove it by slipping the loop loose over the top of the metal rod.
- 4). Grasp the Jeep door firmly with one hand on either side and pull upward until the door slides off the hinges. Set the door upright against a solid, non-abrasive surface to avoid paint damage.