How to Paint Old Countertops in a Kitchen
- 1). Clean the surface of the counter top with a mild cleaner. Rinse with clean water and allow to dry.
- 2). Sand the surface of the counter top with fine grade sandpaper. Wipe away any dust or debris from the sanding with a damp cloth or sponge. Allow to dry completely.
- 3). Tape off any areas you don't want to paint with painter's tape. Apply one coat of primer to the surface of the counter top. Allow to dry completely.
- 4). Apply one coat of paint to the counter top using a small paint roller. Use a small paint brush to reach small areas like corner. Allow to dry thoroughly. Apply another coat if desired. Allow to dry completely.
- 5). Apply one coat of clear polyurethane sealer to the surface of the counter top. Allow to dry. Apply another coat if desired.