How to Make Photo Corners
- 1). Decide on what color you want the photo corners to be; Choose your paper; just about any type of paper can be used to make photo corners, such as construction paper, card stock, printer paper, or textured paper. This is a great way to use up scrap paper you might have lying around.
- 2
Cut a strip of paper to measure approximately one inch by four inches (1" x 4"). - 3
With the strip of paper lying horizontally, find the center and fold down one corner to meet the center line. Crease edge. - 4
Follow step 3 for the opposite corner. The paper will resemble an arrow. - 5
Turn the photo corner over and follow the straight edge as a guide, cutting off the two little pieces that resemble the "tail." Use either straight-edged scissors or fancy-edged scissors when you cut. - 6). When finished, you should have a pocket in the shape of a triangle. Make a trial fit by placing the photo corner on your photo of choice; decide if you want to trim more off the straight edge of the photo corner.
- 7
Follow these procedures to make three more photo corners; Slip the photo corners on each of the corners of the photo, itself; Place the adhesive of your choice on the back side of all four photo corners and attach it to desired surface. - 8). Try adjusting the width and/or length of the strip in step 2 for different looks, or if you want larger photo corners for larger photos.
How to Make Photo Corners