How to Paint Over Laminex
- 1). Put on protective items, including chemical resistant gloves, safety goggles and a face mask, and ventilate the area.
- 2). Clean and dry the entire Laminex-covered area with the heavy duty TSP cleanser by following the manufacturer's instructions for application and drying.
- 3). Remove all hardware from the Laminex-coated structure.
- 4). Apply painter's tape to any of the areas that you are not going to paint but that cannot be removed.
- 5). Apply two coats of high-quality bonding primer (tinted to match the finish layer of paint) to the surface with a foam paint roller. Allow the primer to dry between coats.
- 6). Apply a coat of water-based paint to the surface with a smooth foam paint roller and allow it to dry.
- 7). Apply four coats of polyurethane to the surface, allowing each coat to dry thoroughly before applying the next coat.