How to Find If a Hair Product Is FDA-Approved
- 1). Understand what the FDA approves in regard to hair products. The FDA does not approve the actual hair product. It approves the ingredients that are in the product. What this means is that the FDA is not approving that the product does what it says, only that the ingredients are safer to use than the potential risk.
- 2). Find more information on the hair product you are seeking by going to the FDA website. Search through the information provided on the site. It also provides a search box for current consumer updates.
- 3). Type in the product you are interested in the search box provided. Press the "Go" button. If you want regular updates, you can also sign up for consumer updates by email or its RSS Feed.
- 4). Check at the FDA's website if you are wanting to know if a particular device used to remove hair is approved. You should have the name of the device you want to use available in order to search its database. Look at "Medical Device Databases" for the information.
- 5). Treat hair loss with one of only three products with FDA approval. Two are for men and one is for women. They are Propecia and Rogaine for men and Rogaine for women. If you want to make sure the product you are looking to use is FDA-approved, contact your medical professional.