How to Carve a Wax Ring
- 1). Design your ring and diagram a plan for it, noting dimensions and measurements. You can use graph paper or unlined paper, as long as you understand your own diagrams and notes. Include a side view, a view of the face of the ring, and any other angles that will help you remember and refine your design.
- 2). Using a wax sawing blade, saw a length of the wax tube that is 2 mm wider than the finished ring's width. You will remove the extra width by filing and sanding later.
- 3). Slide the wax ring onto a ring sizing mandrel and bore out the hole in the middle until the wax ring is the desired size.
- 4). Etch lines onto the wax ring to indicate the size and shape of the parts you designed in your plan. Use a pointed tool. To make the lines more visible, brush white correction fluid over them, and file away the excess to leave white markings where the etching is.
- 5). Carve away the unwanted portions of wax using appropriately sized carving tools and lots of patience and time. Use a saw for larger pieces, and a scalpel for small areas. Be careful; if you accidentally remove a part of the ring itself, you must make repairs or even start over.
- 6). Sand the wax ring as smooth as possible. Buff out and repair any scratches in the wax, or they will show up in the metal cast. Smooth the wax finish with a solvent such as mineral spirits or lacquer thinner or with heat from a hair dryer.