Ideas for Headboards Using Fabric and Buttons
- Upholstered headboards are easy to make using plywood cut to the width of your bed. One popular style is to cover the plywood with cotton batting, and then fabric is stapled so that it decoratively covers the plywood and cotton batting. Fabric and buttons are also commonly used together to create style statements on headboards and there are an amazing array of combinations of the two.
- For an English cottage inspired bedroom, what could be better than making your own headboard with floral fabric and solid white porcelain buttons? Choose floral fabric featuring roses or chrysanthemums in a variety of colors that coordinate with your decorating scheme. If you have a floral bedspread, you might even get some extra matching material to staple to your headboard. Sew on the porcelain buttons every 12 inches on your headboard, making sure to sew through the batting to create a quilted look to your headboard.
- Back fabric and stainless steel buttons are ideal for the modern or masculine bedroom. Tightly cover your headboard with black fabric, ensuring that there are no wrinkles. Sew on stainless steel buttons in a circular pattern on the headboard, beginning with a small circle at the center of the headboard and increasing the size of the circle with each layer.
- Red fabric can be gathered in pleats and stapled to the headboard to create a textured look. Sew a line of primary colored buttons down each pleat. This is an excellent look for a boldly colored children's room and is especially ideal when primary colored accents are present throughout the rest of the room.
- Find buttons featuring your child's favorite cartoon character. If you cannot find any, you may be able to create some using customizable buttons from your local craft store. Cover the headboard in cream colored fabric, stretched taught over the entire surface. Attach Velcro to the headboard and to the backs of the buttons so that your child can position them however she likes and have fun moving them around on her headboard. Ensure that the buttons are large enough so that they do not pose a choking hazard.
Floral Fabric and Porcelain Buttons
Black Fabric and Stainless Buttons
Red Fabric and Primary Colored Buttons
Cream Fabric and Cartoon Character Buttons