Alternative Energy
Today, alternative sources of energy are getting popularity all over the world. There are various reasons for their popularity. Alternative energy is cost-effective, renewable, eco friendly and easy to use. These days several kinds of alternative power are available. Each kind has its own advantages as well disadvantages. The most famous and developed types of alternative energy are solar energy, nuclear energy and hydro electricity. By using these alternative sources of energy, you can get rid of consistently increasing oil prices and consumption of fossil will decrease.
About 90% of the global energy comprises hydroelectricity. Also, this alternative source of energy accounts for 20% of the world's electricity. To produce hydroelectricity, water stored in dams and release from an enormous height. Force of water help turbines to move which in turn generates electricity. Hydroelectricity is one of the most popular, widely used and ancient form of alternative energy. It is also known for effectively meeting the electricity requirements especially in highly populated areas that too at cheaper rates.
Alternative sources of energy include various different modes and each mode differs from the other in many ways. Every form of alternative energy works on its own set of sources of energy. We can tap the ubiquitous form of alternative energy using solar panels, photovoltaic cells and solar calculators. Solar energy is used to keep homes warm and generating electricity.
Solar technology can be categorized into two major parts i.e., active solar and passive solar techniques. Both these techniques differ in capturing of sunlight, its conversion and distribution. Active solar technique incorporates photovoltaic panels and few magnetic gadgets to capture sun's rays so that they can be transformed into more productive forms of energy. In passive solar technique sunlight converted into usable heat without using any active mechanical system. Solarium on the equator side of any building is common example of passive solar technology. Few passive systems use conventional energy to control shutters, night insulation, dampers and other devices to enhance the collection the collection of solar energy.
Wind energy is one of the alternative sources of energy. In this technique, forces of moving winds allow turbines to move which in turn generates electricity. Windmills are built to produce wind energy. Places characterized by gusty winds are best location for windmills. The technology of wind energy is simple; therefore, can be replicated at any place with gusty winds. Nuclear energy is not so old mode of alternative energy. There are two ways of producing nuclear energy. First is nuclear fusion in which the reaction deals with merging of atoms. With nuclear fusion reaction, safety concerns such as disposal of radioactive waste products have been associated. Nuclear fusion reaction includes splitting on an atom.
Besides these alternative sources of energy, there are many sources also available. Some of them are bio diesel, tidal energy and ethanol. These alternative sources of energy can be used without any hesitation as they are available in abundance just like traditional forms of energy.
About 90% of the global energy comprises hydroelectricity. Also, this alternative source of energy accounts for 20% of the world's electricity. To produce hydroelectricity, water stored in dams and release from an enormous height. Force of water help turbines to move which in turn generates electricity. Hydroelectricity is one of the most popular, widely used and ancient form of alternative energy. It is also known for effectively meeting the electricity requirements especially in highly populated areas that too at cheaper rates.
Alternative sources of energy include various different modes and each mode differs from the other in many ways. Every form of alternative energy works on its own set of sources of energy. We can tap the ubiquitous form of alternative energy using solar panels, photovoltaic cells and solar calculators. Solar energy is used to keep homes warm and generating electricity.
Solar technology can be categorized into two major parts i.e., active solar and passive solar techniques. Both these techniques differ in capturing of sunlight, its conversion and distribution. Active solar technique incorporates photovoltaic panels and few magnetic gadgets to capture sun's rays so that they can be transformed into more productive forms of energy. In passive solar technique sunlight converted into usable heat without using any active mechanical system. Solarium on the equator side of any building is common example of passive solar technology. Few passive systems use conventional energy to control shutters, night insulation, dampers and other devices to enhance the collection the collection of solar energy.
Wind energy is one of the alternative sources of energy. In this technique, forces of moving winds allow turbines to move which in turn generates electricity. Windmills are built to produce wind energy. Places characterized by gusty winds are best location for windmills. The technology of wind energy is simple; therefore, can be replicated at any place with gusty winds. Nuclear energy is not so old mode of alternative energy. There are two ways of producing nuclear energy. First is nuclear fusion in which the reaction deals with merging of atoms. With nuclear fusion reaction, safety concerns such as disposal of radioactive waste products have been associated. Nuclear fusion reaction includes splitting on an atom.
Besides these alternative sources of energy, there are many sources also available. Some of them are bio diesel, tidal energy and ethanol. These alternative sources of energy can be used without any hesitation as they are available in abundance just like traditional forms of energy.