Facial Skin Care on a Budget
- Skip the department store skin care counters, whose products cost much more than drugstore finds. Shop in your local drugstore or discount store instead. You can also shop at online discount sites for good-quality skin care products that are marked down.
- When shopping for facial care items, only buy what you need. Although advertisements and cosmetics companies tell you that you need wrinkle cream, exfoliators and pore treatments, you can get by with some simple basics.
Buy a good cleanser suited for your skin type. This is one of the most important facial skin care items you'll need. Even the least expensive skin care lines usually have different formulations of cleanser, for oily, normal, dry and sensitive skin. Oily or acne-prone skin may need a lather formula, while dry and sensitive skin types might do better with a creamy cleanser.
Choose a moisturizer. Again, choose a product that works with your skin type. Even oily skin needs a moisturizer, preferably one that's non-comedogenic and won't clog your pores. You can use your moisturizer all over your face so that you don't have to buy a separate eye cream.
Buy sunscreen. You can save money by purchasing a moisturizer with built-in sun protection.
To keep your skin looking good, wash and moisturize your face twice a day, morning and night. Apply sunscreen in the morning, but it's not necessary at night. - Toner isn't a necessity. Toner is good for giving you an ultra-clean feeling, but it's not a mandatory part of a good skin care regimen. For very sensitive or dry skin, toners can do more harm than good. So long as you use a cleanser twice a day, your skin is getting clean.
Some women use masks for deep pore cleansing. You can make a mask yourself with items from your kitchen. Apply half of a ripe, mashed avocado to your face for a moisturizing treatment. Leave on for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse. For oily skin, combine two egg whites, 1 tsp. lemon juice, 3 tsp. honey and one cup of strawberries. Blend these in a blender and apply to your face for 10 minutes before rinsing.
Products that claim to slough off dead skin cells such as alpha-hydroxy products are also not a necessity. You can exfoliate your face with an old washcloth. Simply wet it, apply cleanser and rub in circular motions, concentrating on the skin around the base of your nose, chin and forehead.
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