How to Even Out Paint on Corners
- 1). Dip your paintbrush into the paint can one-quarter to one-third of the way up the length of the brush. Wipe one face of the brush clean on the rim of the can.
- 2). Hold a paint shield in your off hand and set the edge in the corner at 45 degrees to the wall you are not currently painting.
- 3). Set your brush in the shield and wall form, with the paint-laden side toward the wall.
- 4). Pull the brush away gently from the shield in a single stroke.
- 5). Repeat steps two through four, moving up or down the wall until you have covered the corner.
- 6). Use a brush without paint to spread any thick areas of paint out onto the main part of the wall.
- 7). Repeat for the wall on the opposite side of the corner.