How to Draw a BMX Bike
- 1
Define the parameters of your drawing and draw two BMX bike wheels
Draw a rectangle that is 8 cm x 6 cm. Draw two circles for wheels, on either side of the bottom half of the rectangle, that are 3 centimeters in diameter. - 2
Draw the bike frame
Draw two circles in the center of the BMX bike wheels, and a circle to the right of the left wheel, which will be the for the chain. Draw a line between the two leftmost circles. Draw a line coming up from the front circle, tilted just slightly to the left and about three centimeters in length. Draw a line connecting the top of the one you just drew to the middle of the middle chain circle. Above the point where these two lines meet, draw the handlebars of the BMX bike. The handles should overlap, looking like a backwards "B". The handlebars should make a reverse L-shape, back towards where the bike frame forms an upside down v-shape. - 3
Draw the BMX bike seat
Draw the BMX bike seat. Look at the back part of the frame that you've already drawn, which looks like a loose v-shape. It is also half of a parallelogram. Draw the top part of the parallelogram, forming a diamond-shaped frame for the BMX bike. Draw a line up from the chain circle, intersecting the diamond-shaped frame just to the left of its top left corner. This line should total three centimeters. Draw a kidney-shaped bicycle seat at the top of the line. - 4
Fill in the frame of the BMX bike, handlebars, and seat
Fill in the frame of the BMX bike, handlebars, and seat. You've drawn out the general lines already. Draw double, parallel lines that center on these guiding lines and are about a quarter of a centimeter thick. - 5
Draw the tires and color in the wheels, handle bars, and seat
Draw the spokes and tires of the BMX bike wheels by drawing five separate triangles inside each wheel. Color in the spokes and tires. Also color in the BMX bike's handle bars and seat.