Wall Stickers - The Cheapest Way To Do It
Christmas was lovely but now it's a warm memory receding rapidly and here come the bills! If, like me, you're trapped in your current home by (ahem) financial circumstances beyond your control (like the death of the self-certificated mortgage, for instance); then you're probably looking around at the same old same old revealed by those departed Chrimbo decs. Maybe the sight is a little depressing? Maybe you want to brighten the place up? Maybe the plastic can't stand much more torture though? Well, help is at hand; for among the many options available to you, perhaps the most effective on a limited budget is the self-adhesive vinyl wall sticker.
In this little article I will refute all the excuses you're likely to dream up when trying to wriggle out of buying wall stickers. Wall stickers are where it's at sister, so wake up and get on board.
Think they're a bit complicated to stick up? Wrong! I've done loads and I'm €a clumsy oaf€ apparently. All you need is a chair to stand on and someone, a spouse perhaps, behind you saying €left a bit, right a bit, higher! Not there you idiot!€. Wall stickers come with comprehensive step by step instructions that are easy to follow and don't lie.
You think they're too exotic maybe? Wrong again! By the time I've finished this campaign the outsiders will be the ones without stickers! Every day that goes by brings a new convert to the fold; a convert who's seen the undeniable truth of extraordinary value and style. A quick look at what's available online will reveal plenty of understated designs among the more dramatic examples. One need not be some kind of weird loft dwelling asymmetrically haired aesthete to take part (although you're welcome too). Essentially, if you can think of it, someone's made a sticker of it. From tiny butterflies to panoramic skylines; from delicate flowers to a socking great copse, they're all out there.
You don't know where to put them? They'll go ANYWHERE; behind the sofa, behind the bed, on the ceiling, on the windows, on tiles, on kitchen cabinet doors. If you've got a smooth surface you've got somewhere a wall sticker can go. They're big, they're little, they're every colour under the sun. Some of them are multi-coloured! You see, there's no escape.
I survived winter and now I want a change. Ha! Got you again; wall stickers are manufactured from vinyl that will unpeel from any surface leaving no residue and leaving the paint behind. When you've had enough of a wall sticker it can be removed in seconds leaving absolutely no trace of its existence. Try that with wallpaper. Of course, you may decide you want to keep them forever. No problem, forever it is; they last forever if you want.
You want me to stop badgering you? Never! Not until you've seen the light. OK, you didn't know about them before but now you do! So get online and get some http://www.zazous.co.uk/PBSCCatalog.asp?CatID=1361374€">wall stickers. Oh and did I mention the prices? Wall stickers are CHEAP! Not, €good-value-considering' but CHEAP! Cheap and IMMENSELY STYLISH. So beat the winter blues and dazzle your friends with WALL STICKERS!
In this little article I will refute all the excuses you're likely to dream up when trying to wriggle out of buying wall stickers. Wall stickers are where it's at sister, so wake up and get on board.
Think they're a bit complicated to stick up? Wrong! I've done loads and I'm €a clumsy oaf€ apparently. All you need is a chair to stand on and someone, a spouse perhaps, behind you saying €left a bit, right a bit, higher! Not there you idiot!€. Wall stickers come with comprehensive step by step instructions that are easy to follow and don't lie.
You think they're too exotic maybe? Wrong again! By the time I've finished this campaign the outsiders will be the ones without stickers! Every day that goes by brings a new convert to the fold; a convert who's seen the undeniable truth of extraordinary value and style. A quick look at what's available online will reveal plenty of understated designs among the more dramatic examples. One need not be some kind of weird loft dwelling asymmetrically haired aesthete to take part (although you're welcome too). Essentially, if you can think of it, someone's made a sticker of it. From tiny butterflies to panoramic skylines; from delicate flowers to a socking great copse, they're all out there.
You don't know where to put them? They'll go ANYWHERE; behind the sofa, behind the bed, on the ceiling, on the windows, on tiles, on kitchen cabinet doors. If you've got a smooth surface you've got somewhere a wall sticker can go. They're big, they're little, they're every colour under the sun. Some of them are multi-coloured! You see, there's no escape.
I survived winter and now I want a change. Ha! Got you again; wall stickers are manufactured from vinyl that will unpeel from any surface leaving no residue and leaving the paint behind. When you've had enough of a wall sticker it can be removed in seconds leaving absolutely no trace of its existence. Try that with wallpaper. Of course, you may decide you want to keep them forever. No problem, forever it is; they last forever if you want.
You want me to stop badgering you? Never! Not until you've seen the light. OK, you didn't know about them before but now you do! So get online and get some http://www.zazous.co.uk/PBSCCatalog.asp?CatID=1361374€">wall stickers. Oh and did I mention the prices? Wall stickers are CHEAP! Not, €good-value-considering' but CHEAP! Cheap and IMMENSELY STYLISH. So beat the winter blues and dazzle your friends with WALL STICKERS!