How to Make Bar Shelves
- 1). Design the shelving area. Establish the length and placement of the shelving sections by determining how many vessels are to be stored. Lay out a shelving pattern to suit both the storage requirements and the design theme.
- 2). Calculate and order the glass shelving panels and hardware.
- 3). Mark out where the bracket runners are to be installed; keep in mind there should be at least one bracket for every 24 inches of lineal shelving.
- 4). Cut the bracket runners to length with the angle grinder. The adjustable bracket holes will need to line up precisely; make sure to cut the bracket runners with this in mind.
- 5). Align the adjustable bracket holes and install the bracket runners with the supplied wood screws; be sure to plum each one precisely. The bracket runners should be installed in line with stud frames. In the event a stud is out of symmetry or reach, use metal Sheetrock anchors to ensure a firm attachment to the wall.
- 6). Install the shelf brackets in accordance with the desired vertical spacing.
- 7). Install the glass shelving panels.