What Your Commitment Ceremony Invitation Should Say
Wondering how to word your invitation to your commitment ceremony or glbt wedding? There's a large degree of personal preference, and you'll want to coordinate the tone of it to the tone of your wedding. However, some standard choices include:
Parents hosting a formal affair
Mr. and Mrs. John Doe
Request the honor of your presence
at the commitment ceremony
uniting their daughter
Jane Doe
Alice Smith
Daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Smith
Saturday, the Fifth of October, 2003
at five o'clock in the afternoon
Brooklyn Botanical Gardens Palm Court
Please join us for a reception immediately following the ceremony
Couple hosting an informal affair
Please join us
as we celebrate our
Commitment Ceremony
John Doe and Paul Smith
Saturday, October 5th at 11 a.m.
Newport Harbor Club
Newport, Rhode Island
A casual brunch will immediately follow the ceremony
For the above options, customize the invitations to reflect divorced parents, single parent hosting, both sets of parents hosting, and step-parents hosting. You may also choose to replace "commitment ceremony" with a variety of terms, including wedding, marriage, matrimony, holy union, civil union, union ceremony, relationship blessing, celebration of commitment, partnership ceremony, or really any term that you feel represents your ceremony.
Other options:
Sarah Doe and Maria Smith
invite you to join them
as they exchange vows and unite their lives
Saturday, October 5, 2003
Marks Church
314 Jackson Lane
Kansas City, Missouri
With joy
we, Paul Doe and Chris Smith
invite you to share in a celebration of our love
Saturday, October 5, 2003
at our home
206 Martin Street
Seattle, Washington
Parents hosting a formal affair
Mr. and Mrs. John Doe
Request the honor of your presence
at the commitment ceremony
uniting their daughter
Jane Doe
Alice Smith
Daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Smith
Saturday, the Fifth of October, 2003
at five o'clock in the afternoon
Brooklyn Botanical Gardens Palm Court
Please join us for a reception immediately following the ceremony
Couple hosting an informal affair
Please join us
as we celebrate our
Commitment Ceremony
John Doe and Paul Smith
Saturday, October 5th at 11 a.m.
Newport Harbor Club
Newport, Rhode Island
A casual brunch will immediately follow the ceremony
For the above options, customize the invitations to reflect divorced parents, single parent hosting, both sets of parents hosting, and step-parents hosting. You may also choose to replace "commitment ceremony" with a variety of terms, including wedding, marriage, matrimony, holy union, civil union, union ceremony, relationship blessing, celebration of commitment, partnership ceremony, or really any term that you feel represents your ceremony.
Other options:
Sarah Doe and Maria Smith
invite you to join them
as they exchange vows and unite their lives
Saturday, October 5, 2003
Marks Church
314 Jackson Lane
Kansas City, Missouri
With joy
we, Paul Doe and Chris Smith
invite you to share in a celebration of our love
Saturday, October 5, 2003
at our home
206 Martin Street
Seattle, Washington