How Can I Update a Countertop Inexpensively?
- 1). Remove any surface-mounted fixtures such as your kitchen sink or cooktops. This process varies depending on the unit you use. In most cases, you will locate retaining clips under the countertop that hold the units in place. Usually, a simple screwdriver works to remove them.
- 2). Measure the thickness of your countertop's front edge and the length of your countertop with a tape measure.
- 3). Cut a strip of laminate that measures the same length as your measurement, but cut it slightly wider than the thickness. Use a utility knife or a laminate cutter to cut the laminate to size. This strip of laminate goes on the front edge of the countertop, not the top.
- 4). Paint laminate glue onto the back of the laminate strip and onto the front edge of the countertop with a paint sponge. Wait until the glue is dry to the touch. When you put two glued pieces together, it creates a chemical reaction and forces the two pieces to stick to each other.
- 5). Place the strip at the end of the countertop's front edge and carefully roll it onto the front edge of the countertop with the laminate roller. Use the roller to force air bubbles out from under the laminate.
- 6). Place the base of your laminate trimmer onto the surface of the new laminate and run the cutter blade across the top edge of the laminate and then the bottom edge. This trims the laminate flush with the countertop edges.
- 7). Measure the length and width of the countertop surface and cut a piece of laminate that measures slightly larger in both measurements. This piece of laminate goes on top of the countertop.
- 8). Paint laminate glue onto the back of the laminate and onto the top of the countertop with a paint sponge. Wait until the glue is dry to the touch.
- 9). Place a 1-inch dowel rod in the middle of the countertop and position it across the face. Place an additional dowel rod approximately every 12 inches in both directions. The dowel rods keep the glued surfaces from touching each other.
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Place the laminate on top of the dowel rods. Remove the center rod and push the laminate against the countertop. Roll the countertop with the laminate roller to remove air bubbles. - 11
Remove additional rods, roll the laminate down and then repeat the process until all of the rods are removed and the laminate rests firmly on the countertop. - 12
Place the base of the laminate trimmer onto the top of the laminate you just glued to the top of the countertop and run the cutter around each edge to trim the laminate flush with the countertop edges. - 13
Drill a hole where the hole for the sink and other fixtures mount. Cut out the excess material with a reciprocating saw and then trim the inside edges with the laminate trimmer. - 14
Reinstall the fixtures into the countertop.