How to Install Dupont Real Touch Elite
- 1). Lay the 6-mil plastic over the concrete (if not installing over concrete, proceed to step 2), making sure to overlap the seams by eight inches. The plastic will act as a moisture barrier between the concrete and laminate. It is not necessary to tape the edges down.
- 2). Place the first plank at the very top left corner of the room, and using the spacers provided in the Accutite Installation Kit, place a 1/4-inch spacer at the butt of the plank against the baseboard or wall. Then take the next plank and hold it at a 15-degree angle to snap it into the first plank. Use two 1/4-inch spacers at the joining seams of the planks to ensure they remain smoothly aligned. Continue to install planks along the first row in this manner.
- 3). Cut the last plank in the row by simply flipping it around and setting the plank as if it were going to be installed. Mark the cut on the plank with a pencil and use the table saw and diamond blade to cut to size. Install the plank by holding it at a 15-degree angle and snapping it into place. Use the pull bar included in the Accutite Installation Kit at the butt of the plank and gently tap the end of the row into place with a hammer.
- 4). Begin the second row by using the remainder of the cut from the first row as your starting piece, as long as the plank is at least 18 inches, but no longer than 36 inches. If your leftover plank does not fit this description, cut a new plank in half and use this to start your second row. Install the first and second pieces together; slide them as a unit and pop them into first row. To install the next plank, place some weight on the first two planks (a case of flooring works well) and install the butt seam of the third plank. Place a hand on the middle of the third plank at the side of the seam to be installed, and use the wedge provided in the Accutite Installation Kit to hit the plank into the first row. Use caution when removing the wedge so as not to disconnect the plank from the first row.
- 5). Undercut your door jambs by placing a scrap piece of laminate up to the casing of the door, using the undercut saw to cut the correct height of the flooring. Make the cut about one inch wider than the casing and use the hammer and chisel to remove the debris from the cut. Now install the plank by placing a scrap plank at the opposite end of the door jamb, using the pull bar and hammer to tap the plank under the door jamb and to connect it to the previous row.
- 6). Install the quarter round with the flat end against your starting corner, using your finish nailer and wire nails. Hold the nailer at a 45-degree angle when installing the quarter round and make sure to install into the baseboard and not the floor. On the adjoining corner, cut a cove into the quarter round and place it against your first piece. In this way you will not need to be concerned about the angle of your corners. Insert a nail every 12 inches or so around the room. When installing quarter round by the door casing, measure the exact length needed, cut a return edge on the part of the quarter round that will be exposed, and nail it to the baseboard. Flip the smaller return piece around to make a finished cap for the exposed end, and attach this piece with wood glue.
- 7). Place the FasTrim track in between your finished laminate floor and the adjacent flooring. Mark the holes of the track along the subfloor with a pencil and set it aside. Take your drill and 3/16-inch masonry bit and drill the holes marked in the subfloor. Stick the plastic insert that came with the FasTrim into the holes, and place the track on top. Screw the track into place with the drill and screws provided and snap the FasTrim down.