Tips for Oily Hair
- If you have oily hair, you probably will need to wash your hair once a day. Excessively oily scalps may require two shampoos during a shower session rather than one. Massage your scalp as you shampoo to release and wash away extra oil. Avoid regular use of conditioner. You may want to try conditioning on occasion, and you may have better results if you only condition the lower portion of your strands rather than your scalp.
- Various natural, homemade rinses can help combat oil. Try mixing the juice into two lemons into a quart of distilled water to cleanse your hair and scalp. Another recipe calls for mixing a fourth cup of witch hazel with a fourth cup of mouthwash. Apply this concoction to your scalp with a cotton ball for an astringent-like treatment. A teaspoon of vinegar mixed with a pint of water helps to cleanse oily hair.
- Resist the urge to brush your hair too often or too vigorously. Excessive brushing can stimulate excess oil production. Oily hair often lacks body. To add body, have your stylist try various body-enhancing cuts, such as layering your hair. Blow dry your hair upside down and/or in the opposite direction of its natural growth. Avoid excess styling products, such as gel and mousse.
Shampoo and Conditioner
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