How to Troubeshoot an Automobile Alarm
- 1). Check your automobile for sources of interference if the alarm goes off sporadically or shortly after arming. Disconnect electronics from your automobile's cigarette-charger outlet. The problem could be the result of one device or the combination of multiple devices. If the problem is resolved after removing your electronics, try introducing your electronics back into the automobile --- add them one device at a time.
- 2). Lower the sensitivity of your automobile alarm's sensors, if the alarm continues to go off constantly. You'll need to reference your alarm system's manual for the specifics on lowering the sensitivity. If the alarm was professionally installed, have the installer adjust the sensors for you.
- 3). Check the visibility of your automobile's cabin lights, if the alarm system doesn't fully sound off when armed or disarmed. A short alarm tone could be the sign of a nearly depleted battery, and dim cabin lights can confirm that the battery is weak.