How to Copy Files From a VIP722 DVR
- 1). Contact Dish Network and tell them you wish to add the external hard drive (EHD) service to your account. Dish Network charges a fee in order to unlock the USB ports on your receiver for use with an external hard drive, so until you add this service you will not be able to use an external drive.
- 2). Connect the hard drive to the 722 via the USB cable. The 722 will immediately ask if you want to format the hard drive. Bear in mind that formatting the hard drive will erase everything you currently have saved on it, but this is the only way to save items from the DVR onto the disk, so format the drive if you wish to continue.
- 3). Follow the on-screen prompts to save the DVR recordings onto the external drive. Once all information you wish to store has been mounted to the drive, you are free to disconnect it and reconnect it as you please.