How to Fix an Eyeglass Lens
- 1). Apply a thin layer of glass-etching compound onto the lens, wearing gloves.
- 2). Wait for the amount of time indicated on the compound's packaging. This is usually between five and 10 minutes.
- 3). Wash the compound off using warm water. Ensure all of the compound has been removed, checking around the frames and sides of the lens, too.
- 4). Spray the lens with metal polish. Apply this to both sides and rub with a microfiber cloth. This should remove scratches.
- 5). Rinse the glasses to remove any remaining metal polish.
- 6). Place a small amount of car wax onto the lens and apply pressure to manipulate the wax into the scratches.
- 7). Rinse glasses to remove car wax and shine with a new cloth.