Cordless Microphones: Humming Problems
- Replace batteries regularly in a cordless microphone.battery image by Aditia Patria Warman from
A new battery will start to lose the ability to properly power the microphone after about four or five hours of use. As the battery loses power, the signal from the receiver to the transmitter will break down and cause audio interference. - Avoid setting up your microphone's transmitter near or behind any objects or obstacles. There should be a clear pathway from the transmitter to the receiver. Solid objects such as metal podiums, chairs and furniture will block the microphone's signal and result in a humming noise.
- Television stations can cause cordless microphone interference.antenna image by Pali A from
Check the back of your microphone's transmitter. Most cordless microphones operate in the UHF spectrum. This is the same UHF spectrum that television stations use to broadcast their signal. Your cordless microphone can pick up a hum due to interference with a television station. Try searching for another channel to avoid interference.
Low Batteries
Transmitter Placement
Know Your Spectrum