Christian Help For Addiction - Having Christ As the Highest Power
It's interesting to observe some of the different techniques that are being used today in addiction help recovery.
Christian help for addiction incorporates many of the new techniques and strategies, but is still built around "Christ" as the main means for support.
More and more individuals seem to be struggling with addictions nowadays, and the broad spectrum of these addictions seems to be expanding.
Years ago we didn't have the luxury of the internet, which can now be seen as a "threat" to someone struggling with pornography or other easily accessible venues.
Treatment and recovery programs for those struggling with addictions are primarily focused around "support" groups, clinical intervention, and assorted "anonymous" associations.
The theme in most of these interventions is finding a "higher power", that can become a support system in a sense, available twenty-four seven, with an unbiased attitude, and almost "spiritual" understanding of your dilemma.
Christian help for addiction follows many of the same themes, however one of the main differences is that "Christ" is seen as the higher power, which not only offers similar support, but intercedes in ones life to lead the addicted individual toward repentance and ultimate healing.
Having "Christ" as the main theme in the recovery program, allows the individual to move forward knowing that God does not condemn him or her, and that they are "forgiven" for their mistakes.
Repentance means I have recognized my mistakes, and I'm making a turn away from that negative behavior.
Christian help for addiction teaches the struggling person that God loves him or her, and that they don't have to live in "bondage" anymore.
An interesting story that comes to mind is when the religious leaders of their time brought a young prostitute to Christ, as a "test" to see how Jesus would handle this woman who openly sinned.
Well they got a bit of a shock.
Christ's famous words to the pompous so called religious leaders was "let him who is without sin throw the first stone.
" Needless to say, they all walked away.
At this point Christ tells the woman she is forgiven, and go and sin no more.
What better way to begin an addiction help recovery program than that of knowing you are "forgiven" for your mistakes.
Christian help for addiction emphasizes this in their recovery program.
With Christ as their "higher power", the user is taught of Christ's "unconditional" love for him or her, and how they shouldn't be living in guilt or shame because they picked up a bad habit.
Christ preached hope, the hope for a better life, free from many of the evils that come with addiction and their associated lifestyles.
When you come to the understanding and realization that you have been created by God, in his image, then you can truly say that "nothing is impossible with God by my side" That's probably one of the best support groups there is.
Christian help for addiction incorporates many of the new techniques and strategies, but is still built around "Christ" as the main means for support.
More and more individuals seem to be struggling with addictions nowadays, and the broad spectrum of these addictions seems to be expanding.
Years ago we didn't have the luxury of the internet, which can now be seen as a "threat" to someone struggling with pornography or other easily accessible venues.
Treatment and recovery programs for those struggling with addictions are primarily focused around "support" groups, clinical intervention, and assorted "anonymous" associations.
The theme in most of these interventions is finding a "higher power", that can become a support system in a sense, available twenty-four seven, with an unbiased attitude, and almost "spiritual" understanding of your dilemma.
Christian help for addiction follows many of the same themes, however one of the main differences is that "Christ" is seen as the higher power, which not only offers similar support, but intercedes in ones life to lead the addicted individual toward repentance and ultimate healing.
Having "Christ" as the main theme in the recovery program, allows the individual to move forward knowing that God does not condemn him or her, and that they are "forgiven" for their mistakes.
Repentance means I have recognized my mistakes, and I'm making a turn away from that negative behavior.
Christian help for addiction teaches the struggling person that God loves him or her, and that they don't have to live in "bondage" anymore.
An interesting story that comes to mind is when the religious leaders of their time brought a young prostitute to Christ, as a "test" to see how Jesus would handle this woman who openly sinned.
Well they got a bit of a shock.
Christ's famous words to the pompous so called religious leaders was "let him who is without sin throw the first stone.
" Needless to say, they all walked away.
At this point Christ tells the woman she is forgiven, and go and sin no more.
What better way to begin an addiction help recovery program than that of knowing you are "forgiven" for your mistakes.
Christian help for addiction emphasizes this in their recovery program.
With Christ as their "higher power", the user is taught of Christ's "unconditional" love for him or her, and how they shouldn't be living in guilt or shame because they picked up a bad habit.
Christ preached hope, the hope for a better life, free from many of the evils that come with addiction and their associated lifestyles.
When you come to the understanding and realization that you have been created by God, in his image, then you can truly say that "nothing is impossible with God by my side" That's probably one of the best support groups there is.