How to Wash Fake Hair
- 1). Brush the fake hair with a wig brush to remove all tangles.
- 2). Fill a sink with cold water. Add one tablespoon of wig shampoo.
- 3). Submerge the fake hair in the cold water.
- 4). Swish the wig around for a few minutes to get it clean.
- 5). Drain the sink and refill it with cold water.
- 6). Dip the fake hair in and out of the cold water to remove the shampoo.
- 7). Repeat Steps 5 and 6 to rinse the fake hair completely.
- 8). Blot the wet hair with a towel to absorb the excess water.
- 9). Spray a wig conditioner on the fake hair, from one foot away.
- 10
Place fake hair on wig stand or form. Let it air dry naturally.