Things You Have to Have on a DVD Cover
- The title of the movie, show or other production on the DVD should be the most visible aspect of the cover. The title should be in the top half of the front cover and centered -- though the bottom can sometimes work -- and it should be in big, bold letters. This draws the person's attention and helps her recognize what the movie is. The title must also be on the side of the cover along the fold. This is to identify the movie when the case is shelved like a book.
- A blank cover with just a title rarely sells, which is why pictures that help exhibit the DVD's content is very important. The most important feature is the main performer(s) in shots that show what the film is about. Usually the bottom half of the front cover has a still shot of an actor(s) posing in a shot specifically made for the cover. The back cover is then covered with smaller shots of clips from the movie, with each one showing off a unique scene from the video.
- The cover needs a brief description of the movie to show the potential viewer what it is about and why they should be interested in it. This description goes on the top half of the back cover. This is a summary of the movie in one to two paragraphs. The first paragraph should be a "teaser," hyping the video for what it is, like telling the audience to prepare for a wild ride of action. The second part is the main summary, which identifies the main characters and explains what their goal/conflict is in the movie.
- The list of credits is essential on any cover, as showing who appears in and produced the video lends credibility. The list of credits usually goes at the bottom of the back cover. A full list of the cast and production crew is not necessary; if this is a movie, include every person you are including in the movie's on-screen opening credits. This includes the primary cast, the main producer and executive producer, director, writer, director of photography, costume designer, music creator/supervisor and whoever is in charge of visual effects.