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Economics : Business & Finance
China's Economy Is Hitting the Brakes
The Organization of Economic Development is pointing to a slowdown in China's leading economic indicators. They've based their prediction on the declining velocity of shipping, fuel usage, fertilizer production, raw steel manufacturing, capacity utilization and stock market turnover. Risin...More...
The Governments Great Bank Bailout Has Not Worked!
The problem we face now is not the cost of money but the availability of money. We need the interbank base rate to ease up to make it possible for banks to get money from the markets to allow them to lend again properly. The low interest rates at present do not allow the banks to attract savers to s...More...
Smoke and Mirrors - Why the ECB Didn't Really Save the World
On May 10, 2010, in the early hours of the morning the news came out. The European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) had established a line of credit for more than a trillion euros for countries struggling with debt....More...
"Oops, We Meant $7 TRILLION!"What Hank and Fed Are Up to and How They Plan to Pay For it A
The $700 billion that was arm-twisted from Congress in October was just the camel's nose under the tent.The Paulson/Bernanke team is now prepared to pay $7.76 trillion to rescue the financial system.Prepared to pay how?Congress has not raised its debt ceiling to that level, and the Fed doesn&ap...More...
Can Banks Still Be Trusted?
In my opinion, it seems like an obvious trend that all Fed Governors are challenged by the markets whenever the Chairman gets hot on the seat, where the Federal Reserve at this time in history chose to avoid providing support to Lehman as it could gravely cost the federal government to be in a finan...More...
British Media: The Chinese Food Is Not Sufficient And The Chinese People May Need To Farm Overseas
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences anticipates that in 2011 the agricultural trade deficitin China increased by nearly 50 percent, up to $ 34.12 billion and in 2012 that number will continue to expand to about $ 40 billion....More...
Recession Confirmed - 6 Simple Steps to Thrive in an Economic Downturn
Just recently, major nations including the U.S. and Japan have confirmed that they are in the midst of an economic recession.The vast majority of people are wondering what they can do to survive this dark time.Others, a distinct minority, see immense opportunity in these economic times and find ways...More...
Should We Just Let the Sequestration Happen?
The deficit spending craze we are enduring will bankrupt this country and leave our children a failed legacy. Politicians can find nothing to agree on besides raising revenues. Revenues are not the problem -- massive deficit spending it....More...
Cut the Size of Government and Return Inflated Property Taxes to Help Homeowners Stop Foreclosure
To be effective for the long term and actually help homeowners facing foreclosure on their inflated homes, government needs to cut spending and return some or all of the money based on unrealistic property values to the homeowners and other taxpayers. This means cutting the additional waste that was...More...
5 Dollars a Day to Global Economic Solutions
How would 5 dollars a day reverse the economic downtrend? What can every money earner do to help the global economic crisis?...More...
Follow the Investment Guru's Next Step
"The worst of the crisis in Wall Street is over,'' said Buffet on the 3rd of May. Yesterday he announced to buy a 5 billion stake in Goldman Sachs. How to evaluate these steps? Would you now follow the leader?...More...
Direct Sale Industry a Leader in Financial Education and Home Based Business
Did you hear the news recently? Unemployment has hit 6.5% in October!...More...
Was The Bank Bailout Helpful For The Economy?
It has been 2 years and the Bank Bailout still issues controversies. How helpful it was for the economy, it's hard to tell. Some people, as the members of the Tea Party movement, have harshly criticized it, whereas some found it necessary for the salvation of the economy. The crisis is not over...More...
Liberal Professor Debates Think Tank Debate Champion and Entrepreneur
And so the liberal academic rose from his seat to say: "The government of the people must only interfere or create regulation if imbalance exists and a level playing field is needed."...More...
Are Government Regulators Protecting the Public, Free Markets and Corporations?
We all know we why we have Government Regulators to watch over our businesses; to prevent runaway capitalism they say. And yet who is running away. If markets were totally free then obviously if one or more companies started to run away and price gouge some other company would come in and take their...More...
Watch For Savings Rate to Drop Off - The Sign Consumers Are Spending Enough to Sustain the Recovery
Following most recessions, consumers continue to increase their savings for some months to rebuild their buffer. Since the 1960s, with an exception in 2002, they waited about 9 to 18 months before they reduced their contributions to savings and spent more in the marketplace. When do you build up inv...More...
Prepare For the Worst, But Hope For the Best
While I don't have a personal crystal ball to predict the future, I continue hearing the so-called "financial experts" forecast that 2010 won't be any better than 2009; some even say it will likely be worse. Now I'm not saying that we should just give up, roll over or panic,...More...
The Repo Man is Coming!
The American government is spending like a drunken sailor.Someday the bills will have to be paid.So far the government has managed to juggle the books and use creative accounting to keep up the spending spree but it cannot last or can it?Maybe it can....More...
5 Ways to Survive the World Recession
Over the years, world recession became a problematic situation for a lot of people. Despite the many efforts of the governments, it still hasn't been solved. These few steps will help you survive through recession....More...
The Global Economy Is Interlinked - Should More Continuity Be Globally Mandated?
Most folks cringe on the concept of a new world order, and I can certainly see their point, as we have far too many layers of government as it is, still we do need standardization and continuity. After all, the US economy depends on the rest of the world as much as the rest of the world now depends ...More...
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