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Economics : Business & Finance
Goa - 2nd Best Competitive State After Maharashtra
A survey conducted by the prestigious business magazine Business world, has ranked Goa as the second most competitive State in the country with a score of 58.02 just behind Maharashtra which occupies the top position with a score of 58.38, says a government communique. The survey on the competitiven...More...
Is Mankind Outgrowing the Price System?
Some people have noted, even economists that the Price System, that we use in human societies and civilizations is outdated and unworkable. They cite the disparity between rich and poor and all the poverty in the world. To a degree one would have to admit upon thinking about it, that it is not the m...More...
Rising Oil Prices - What Do They Keep Rising?
Rising oil prices are impossible to ignore, as is their impact on our economy. But what is it that effects their price? This article explains what causes oil prices to keep rising....More...
QE3 Explained
The Federal Reserve, and Ben Bernanke, announced today a third round of quantitative easing (QE3) to help stimulate the economy. Which would be great news, if it worked....More...
Unemployment for 99ers
Unemployment for 99ers is growing more and more by the week. People are exhausting all of their extension and so far no help is coming from the government in these difficult times. What can people expect in the next couple of weeks? Please read this article to stay informed....More...
Solving Yesterday's Problems
One of the peculiar things about the human condition is that we tend to look backward while we are attempting to move forward. When the problem shifts from individuals to organizations and government, the problem becomes much greater in severity and much larger in scale. The fundamental reason why h...More...
Recession - Are You Prepared?
Oil prices have been surging. Housing markets have been dropping. Interest rates keep getting cut by the Fed in order to help curb the negative effects of possible recession. What happens if all of the current economic activity sends the US into an economic recession? Would you be prepared? Included...More...
What You Should Know About Food Security
Do you know what is really implied by the term "food security"? Do you know who are the key organizations supporting international food aid? What can you do to help sustain food security? Did you know having sufficient food is not always equal to food security?In this article, the writer a...More...
Partnerships, the Ultimate Source of New Revenue
In a downed economy, a key to surviving is branching out into new areas and diversifying your current offerings. Partnerships are one such way to increase not only new potential client opportunities but also your bottom dollar....More...
The US Housing and Economic Recovery Act
The recently increased limits on Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans, which have low down payment requirements and attractive interest rates, have also been made permanent at the greater of $271,050 or 115% of the local area median home price. Conversely, the down payment requirement for FHA ...More...
Strategy of Development in India in Early Years of Independence - A Critique
The present article is a treatise on the Nehruvian economic policy in early years of independence of India. In this article the author has taken care to answer to some of the question posed by the modern day economists who are of the opinion that Nehruvian economic policy in the formative years is t...More...
America's Economy - Obama-nomics
In an attempt to repair the economy and potentially create up to 3.5 million jobs, President Obama has proposed an economic stimulus plan that would cost taxpayers $825 billion. The House of Representatives recently approved the plan, and now it awaits a vote in the Senate....More...
Indian Economy Under British Raaj
Indian economy under British Raj period which expand from 1850 to 1947 changed its course completely. During this period It fall from the category of one of the most developed nation to one of the poorest nation. Every decade the economy size was shrinking and it was making the British economy prosp...More...
US Economy: Inflation Vs Deflation
According to world leading economists there are 2 scenarios of countering world crisis - print dollars or face deflation and even more deep economic recession. There are 2 possible victims to be thrown to the altar of crisis - first are banks and second... You'll find it out reading my article....More...
The American Dream's Not Dead, Just Different
The "American Dream" is a mantra, an ideal, a national ethos in which the citizens of this great country believe they have an equal opportunity for liberty, prosperity, and success. It is founded upon the bedrock of the United States Declaration of Independence, that declares "all men...More...
Normal On The Horizon
An accelerating economy and improving labor market is good. But we can't call it normal while interest rates stay near zero....More...
Taipan Daily: The Great Oil Price Shell Game
Taipan Daily readers don't be connedit is not supply or demand driving the price of oil right now. Editor Adam Lass explains…...More...
We Are As a Nation Heading Into Bankruptcy and Financial Disaster - A Medical Disaster Also
The disaster that took place in our financial markets has become a stepping stone for government to step in under the guise of helping, it has been trying to control salaries for top executives all over the business community. I agree that salaries and compensation for top level management have gone...More...
The Newest Mortgage Bailout - $200 Billion for the Banks, $0 for the Homeowners
The federal government has a long history of creating new problems to solve old problems and socializing financial losses while allowing companies to privatize profits from shaky deals. Now, in another effort to prop up the banking system at the expense of the homeowners whose defaulting loans are h...More...
Trends in Spanish Tourism - A Shift to Residential Tourism
One of the trends in Tourism is residential tourism. Each year thousand of families move from their home country to a new place on earth. This could be for the sake of a better climate -- whether tax, investment, leisure, or just the weather -- or because of any other reason. It's a real change...More...
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