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Economics : Business & Finance
Ireland and Its Economic Crisis
For more than a decade, the Irish economy was in a good track. Also known as the Celtic Tiger years that lasted for 12 long years, started at the year 1995 until the early 2008. Soon after, the Irish government declared a recession....More...
Stimulus Funds Will Not Cancel Out State Funding - A Victory For the IDEA
This article explores the stimulus package's allocation of $12.2 Billion to IDEA funding.It discusses the critical last-minute revision to the wording of the law that changed its impact form "supplanting" to "supplementing" state funds and also describes the debate of whethe...More...
Foreign Media: China, Please Not To Enter The Wrong Track
China has many better options, including a reasonable stimulus as investing in low-income housing and the expansion of Government-run health insurance. These measures will boost consumer spending and economic growth, reducing China's dependence on export markets and investment bubbles. Such a p...More...
John Nash and His Beautiful Mind - Economic Insight and Thoughts on the Equilibrium Game
John Nash and his beautiful mind are of interest in the theory of games and worthy to consider. In his Equilibrium Theory he discusses the concept of games, fairness, advantage, strategy and its players. His theory is quite simple and hard to dismiss. But does such a perfect game exist in free marke...More...
Time For A Stronger US Dollar
Why is the U.S. government completely unconcerned about the decline of the U.S. dollar?Publicly, President Bush and Treasury Secretary Paulson claim that "a strong dollar is in our national interest" but both of them refuse to do anything about it.Read this article for a quick synopsis of ...More...
The Textiles Sector and Its Struggles Leading to Insolvency
The Textiles sector of the economy has taken a real hit in recent years. Cities such as Leicester and Bradford have suffered great manufacturing losses since cheap imports can be shipped in for pence per garment....More...
A Cluster of (Minor) Errors
One of the things that we have been conditioned to believe in both business and in life is that mistakes and errors need to be avoided. This idea pervades our education system, our mindset as employees, and our behavior as business owners....More...
Current Economic Recession - Can You Survive It?
Does the current economic recession threaten the livelihood of millions of Americans today? Should we worry about tomorrow? And will we all survive what may lay ahead of us? In this article we will touch on this topic's....More...
Are ARM's to Blame For the Mortgage Meltdown?
At the core of the mortgage meltdown and ultimately the credit crisis, the media has put a spotlight on the ARM's (adjustable rate mortgage) as the prime culprit of the crisis.Is it really so?...More...
Economic Development After Initial Revitalization of Nairobi's Slum
As the local Kibera Slum, Nairobi, Kenya's largest slum is re-vitalized as part of a herculean effort and creates its own wind and small business environment it will be time to push for strong economic development. Once economic plan is initiated it must be maintained. ...More...
The US Federal Reserve is Neither Federal Nor Does it Have Any Reserves
The US Federal Reserve is not federal, nor does it hold any reserves. This is one of the biggest fallacies propagated on the American public in it's long and storied history. The fact that you can look up the US Federal Reserve in the phone book and you won't find it under any government l...More...
Congress Considers Bailout For the US Automakers
As Congress considers throwing more taxpayer dollars after industries in trouble, here are three simple and proven ideas that would stimulate the economy and rescue the U.S. automakers without increasing the federal debt or risking taxpayer money. An announcement was made today the Congress is prese...More...
Cash For Clunker - Has the Stimulate Ended?
Is Cash for Clunker Program really suspended? Actually the answer is no, not even at his very hour. But, the question is, will the program be suspended and when? If you will base on the information from the (NADA) National Automobile Dealers Association, then it is likely to happen....More...
What Are Your The New Economy Solutions?
http://www.TheNewEconomySolution.comWhat I am about to reveal to you will actually enable you to benefit from this "new economy" and come out of this chaos ahead of the game and financially secure. The greatest transfer of wealth is under way....More...
One Path to Economic Depression
There are conflicting opinions about whether the economy can recover without heavy doses of government intervention.Arguments for the "stimulus" include allusions to another depression without it.I will argue the opposite - that we can't have a depression without the "stimulus&qu...More...
Recession - What 'We' Can Do About It
Economists define recession as "A period of negative, real GDP growth, usually during two consecutive quarters and a contraction phase of the business cycle." To put it more precisely it is said that a decrease of less than 10% in a country's GDP (Gross Domestic Product) which must la...More...
Global Economic Recession, Lay-offs and Its Impact on You - Survival of the Fittest
Most of the countries all over the world are going through this phase of economic recession. Many old and big companies have already been brought down on their knees to bite the dust. Many companies as well as countries have become bankrupt or are on the verge of it. Millions and millions of people ...More...
8gb Underwater Diving Scuba Mask Dvr Camcorder With Snorkel
8GB Underwater Diving Scuba Mask DVR Camcorder with Snorkel is such a wonder thing for all swimming lovers. As best swimmers and photographers, at the same time, are very conscious about their things belonging to swimming and they want something unique and reliable. ...More...
Ready For Chindia's Clout
The two most heavily populated countries in the world are China and India, with China holding the top world population position.Common but different, both are Asian nations that have large labor pools to draw from and at what a Westerner would consider to be dirt-cheap wages. Both countries are on t...More...
Weathering United States Recession - 2009
This article highlights the serve conditions of the United States recession that has brought a dreadful economical crisis. This economic downturn has dropped the ratio of employment and makes people effortless in their career building....More...
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