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Economics : Business & Finance
The US National Debt
With the global recession occurring, you've probably heard of the term "national debt" more often than before. Well, it's because of all of the nations around the world that are encountering issues with their own government debts. Keep reading to learn more about the national deb...More...
Will the Obama Stimulus Work?
The stimulus must actually work to get our economy out of the doldrums. Then Obama can be congratulated for his political and economic smarts. Of course, it is too early to appraise the result....More...
Don't Worry - New Jobs Are on the Way
Over the past several weeks, the president-elect has been talking about a financial stimulus package to help the economy get back on its feet. He recently revealed a key element of this package, a massive undertaking of the federal government the form of a public works program that will rival the co...More...
$4.90 Per Gallon
We just received our contract price for fuel oil for next heating season and the price was $4.90/gallon. Our contract price for the 2007-2008 heating was $2.79/gallon. We used around 1,000 gallons to heat our home. We are not going to pay it! We have purchased a wood pellet furnace and bought 5 tons...More...
The Truth About the Falling Dollar - How You Can Still Make Money
Short article of the weak dollar and the world economy.The weak dollar actually helps out our multinational corporations sell more products and should have a benefit back to our economy by job growth in the long run.However, there are companies that are poised already to make a killing due to the fa...More...
Darwinian Economics
Darwinian Economics is a branch of economics based on the principles outlined in Charles Darwin's "Origin of Species" which is basically the law of the 'survival of the fittest'. This theory is in dire need of revisiting in light of the current economic situation....More...
Foreclosure Hits All Time High
In America foreclosures now are at an all-time high. Did you know that experts predict nearly 1.5 million home owners will face foreclosure in this year itself! While it is also predicted, that the residents of Texas, California and Florida will face the worst of the wrath....More...
Capitalism is an Economic Pyramid
This article explains that Capitalism is a social pyramid with many at the bottom supporting a relative few at the top. Capitalism does not operate as a democratic process; it is given to operating as an oligarchy....More...
Eight Economic Trends of 2009
The year 2009 is a transition year for many of us, a year of transition from a "bubble" economy, to creating a more stable, and sustainable economy. What could be the Eight main economics of 2009 ?...More...
Wall Street Reopens After Hurricane Sandy - Will This Change the Election Results?
Typically and historically speaking after a big natural disaster there is a sell-off on Wall Street. This time with Hurricane Sandy, many of the late "earnings" announcements are not going to be favorable, plus, the damage to the financial sector, insurance sector, and the disruption in su...More...
Subprime Lending - Placing the Blame
A lot of CEO's, CFO's and whole companies have been blamed for being a part of the sub prime lending problem. People have had their homes foreclosed upon by banks and the market has suffered as whole. The real culprit of the sub prime problem has skated by un-blamed and has not suffered an...More...
Will GM Source Cars From China to Sell in North America?
New GM cars may come from China, a market that has yet to sell a single car in the US. That may all change by 2011 when GM taps its Chinese operation for at least one model....More...
Hard Times? It's Only Our Perception
I have been around a few years and living through difficult times is a challenge but interesting and a way. Don't get me wrong, I like the good times it's just that adversity forces me to use my brain. It forces me to devise ways to survive, it forces me to grow stronger...necessi...More...
Eroding U.S. Industrial Base Comes With Price
With a demand by China for foreign direct investment as its incentive to buy U.S. products, companies like Boeing are acquiescing by not only building major portions of airplanes in China, but also creating Research and Development opportunities for Chinese engineers....More...
Need For Water Quality Monitoring In Agriculture
Like most other use of land, agriculture has a massive impact on the quality of ground and surface waters in and around that region. Implementing sufficient measures to protect water, land and atmospheric resources in important to guard the health of the environment as well as the economy. Sustainab...More...
FTC Bans Up-Front Loan Modification Fees
In an effort to prevent unethical mortgage modification companies from taking advantage of consumers, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has enacted a new rule to prohibit up-front consulting fees for residential mortgages. The FTC felt they needed to protect consumers who have filed over 800 compla...More...
Don't Send Money to China Until You Know About the Banking System
If you want to move to China, you will need to get to know the differences between the U.S. and your new home before you make the move. You should not open a bank account to send money to China until you thoroughly understand the banking system and how best to transfer the funds....More...
Being Beguiled
At a time when all the main stream media are saying that the economy is steadily improving don't be beguiled by all this hype. Because, underneath these reported statistics lies in wait a tsunami of unrelenting misery poised to strike an already fragile nation. Under reported are case after cas...More...
Home Businesses on the Rise
Home business opportunities are on the rise. This industry is now reality for many men, women, mothers and fathers who decided to make a step towards earning an income at their own home with their family. This is an excellent choice for single mothers that need to stay at home with their children, r...More...
2008 Market Crash Recap
2008 is over at last. It has been an extremely turbulent year and everyone's swept under its currents such that it was hard to see what actually happened, so, here's a recap of what happened in the stock market in 2008.Summing up, the Dow lost a total of 4488 points this year, down 33.84%....More...
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