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Cultures & Groups : Society & Culture & Entertainment
How to Shorten a Song for a Dance
If you are planning to have a party or celebration that requires dancing, there is a chance that you may need to shorten a song. Shortening a song will come in handy if the dance that you plan to do is not meant to last the length of the song that you plan to dance to. With some patience and readily...More...
Appropriate Black History Activities for Toddlers
Even young children can begin learning about black history.eglise baptiste de martin luther king image by JLG from Fotolia.comBlack history month celebrations need not be limited to elementary school aged children and older. Toddlers who are in nursery or preschool programs or even at......More...
Reasons for Georgia Being Founded
Georgia became a state on January 2, 1788. The last state to become one of the thirteen colonies, it was a unique colony and was established for reasons unlike the others....More...
How to Renew a Philippine Passport at the Consulate of New York
Filipino citizens wanting to renew a passport at the consulate in New York will need to appear in person to complete the application process. Renewal applicants need to prove they still retain Filipino citizenship and show proof of identity. As of January 2011, according the the Philippine New York ...More...
Native American Baby Gifts
firsts steps image by jedphoto from Fotolia.comWith 564 federally recognized tribes in the United States alone, finding the perfect Native American baby gift poses a challenge. Before delving in, first consider your own community. Many reservations sell one-of-a-kind handmade clothing,......More...
How to Do Petition Magic
Petition magic is the act of making a request to a Higher Power, usually on paper. Part prayer, part spell, petitioning is a relatively simple yet powerful form of spiritual magic. You don’t need to be a witch, or be highly skilled in the magical arts to perform petition magic, so it is a per...More...
In What Type of Homes Did the Plains Indians Live?
Native American tribes of the U.S. Great Plains, also known as the Plains Indians, inhabited land stretching from the Mississippi River to Canada. The primary tribes of the Plains Indians included the Sioux, Blackfoot, Cheyenne, Crow and Comanche; most of these tribes were known for hunting the buff...More...
How to Make an Ancient Egyptian Boat
Ancient Egyptian boats varied in style over many centuries, but basically there was a need for three types: Simple reed rafts, mainly for hunting in marshland; larger and more stable wooden boats for transporting people, crops and goods along the Nile; and the Papyriform boat. Papyriform boats were ...More...
Things You Should Know About Family Care
When we speak of family, we immediately associate it with someone close and important to us. Parents, brother or sister, husband or wife and spouse are few relations that are widely seen as the face ... ...More...
Cherokee Indian Crafts
The Cherokee are Native Americans originally from the Southeastern United States, in states such as Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina. The Cherokee were proud craftspeople who took pride in their artistry, which dated back to their ancestors some 10,000 years before the Cherokee roamed the Southea...More...
Native American Silversmith Tools
Navajo jewelry artists were the first Native Americans to practice silversmithing.Scott T. Baxter/Photodisc/Getty ImagesInterviewed for "Collectors Weekly" magazine, Native American jewelry expert, Mark Bahti, named Atsidi Sani as the first silver jewelry designer of his time (the 1860s).......More...
Tools of the Japanese Samurai
Many people think that samurais were only warriors. Samurais were trained not only for combat, but were required to also be proficient in Shodou (calligraphy), Chanoyu (tea ceremony), Ikebana (flower arrangement) and other arts. These different activities required distinct tools, such as katanas for...More...
Tools & Clothing of the Seminole Indians
The Seminole Indians are a Native American tribe that still exists. Originally settled in northern Florida, Seminoles today live primarily in two locations: on a reservation in Florida and on trust land in Oklahoma. Seminoles originally lived in houses called chickees. The men of the tribe were hunt...More...
Polynesian Tattoos History
Although widely popular today, tattooing is a very ancient form of art. It dates back more than 2,000 years and originates with ancient Polynesian societies. European explorers first observed and recorded descriptions of Polynesian tattoos during the mid 1700s....More...
Customs & Beliefs of the Native Americans
Anthropologists believe Native Americans have lived in North America for between 12,000 and 25,000 years. Native American customs and beliefs don't consist of one set. Each tribe is its own culture with its own language, beliefs and customs. However, anthropologists have discovered that for all thei...More...
How to Trace German Roots
At least 15 percent of Americans can claim German ancestry somewhere in their family tree due to emigration, particularly in the 19th century. With all this German blood, many amateur and professional genealogists want to trace those German roots. Luckily, you have many resources to help you with yo...More...
Music in Zulu Culture
The Zulu people, also known as amaZulu, make up the largest ethnic group in South Africa with more than 10 million members. The Zulu people have a very rich and developed culture that includes its own language, religion and music traditions. Music is very important to the Zulu and is incorporated in...More...
Train Museums Near Dansville, New York
The train history museums located near Dansville, New York, are unique unto themselves.Railroad tracks image by Jim Mills from Fotolia.comThe Rochester & Genesee Valley Railroad Museum is the premier train museum in the Dansville area. It is run in conjunction with the New York Museum of......More...
Nigerian Marriage & Culture
The institution of marriage and family reflect the modern changes in Nigeria. Migration, Western education and foreign relations have had dramatic consequences on gender roles and marriage. While the educated elite tend to favor small, monogamous, nuclear families, the majority of the Nigerian popul...More...
Methods of Anthropology
Anthropology is the study of human societies, cultures and customs. Consequently, the research methods in anthropology place researchers in contact with people in their natural settings. Anthropologists use methods such as interviews and observations to understand, describe and compare the customs, ...More...
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- Monday, March/03/2025
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