Instructions for a Hoop Stand for a Quilt
- 1). Choose a hoop large enough for your needs. A good size is using a 24-inch hoop. You can build your stand with a larger or smaller hoop.
- 2). Take the quilting hoop apart. Drill two holes on the inside of the hoop; these should be positioned with one on each side, directly across from one another. Insert the bolts into the hoop, pointing to the center. Add the washer and wing nut to both bolts.
- 3). Lay out the stand's feet shape using the 12- by 4-inch wooden boards. You can leave these square or shape them using a scroll saw. Cut the outline for the feet.
- 4). Measure the balusters. Balusters are the long, wooden part of the legs that attach to the feet and hold the hoop. The length will depend on how you quilt. You can do this by sitting in your favorite chair and measuring from the floor up to determine how high your stand should be.
- 5). Use a saw to cut each baluster to the appropriate height. Make a pencil mark in the center of each baluster approximately 1 inch from the bottom. Drill a hole through the markings.
- 6). Mark two additional holes, one on each baluster, 3 inches above your drilled hole. Use the drill press to create a round hole, 2-inches wide by 1/2-inch deep.
- 7). Using the saw, cut a slot in the top of each baluster. This slot allows the bolt from the hoop to sit on the stand. The slot should be approximately 1/4-inch wide and 1/2-inch deep.
- 8). Measure the round wood piece to match the hoop's diameter. Add an extra inch to the measurement, then cut the wood. Squeeze wood glue into each baluster hole. Insert one end of the round wood into the hole. Using the mallet, carefully pound the wood into the hole.
- 9). Insert the rod into the hole on the second baluster. Use the hammer to carefully pound the baluster down, onto the rod.
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Make a pencil mark on the center of each foot, 1 inch from the top. Drill through the markings, creating two holes, one on each foot. Use 2 bolts to attach the bottom of the balusters to each foot. Secure the bolts with a washer and a nut. - 11
Turn the hoop stand up on its legs. Insert the bolt ends into the slots on the balusters.