How to Display a Bear Skin Rug
- 1). Check to see if the bear rug is clean before hanging, as you will not want to hang a rug that is soiled or dusty. To remove dust, simply wipe the rug in the direction the fur grows with a slightly damp cloth. Never rub against the grain of the hair, as it can cause damage.
- 2). Measure the length and width of the bear rug. To this measurement, add 6 inches to both the length and width. Using the painter's tape, mark out a rectangle on the wall with the measurements you came up with.
- 3). Using the stud finder, ascertain the spots where the studs are in the wall and place a piece of tape at the top of the square so you will still know where the studs are once you are holding up the rug.
- 4). Plan how you would like the rug to hang while it is still laying on the floor.
- 5). Hold the rug in place and, with the help of another individual, hammer the nails into the top edge of the rug. Hammer the nails only in the leather edge of the bear skin, not the fur, and be sure the nails are lined up with the studs. Leave about 1/4 inch between the wall and the nail head rather than nailing it flush to the wall, as this will keep the skin in place but will not tear the hide.
- 6). Continue to nail the finishing nails into the leather edge every 12 inches, working around the bear skin rug until the entire hide is secure. Nail two or three nails into the wrist area of the paw to secure in place.
- 7). Remove the painter's tape.