Important Radar Detector Facts for Western Australia Drivers
To All Motorists, You have probably heard of radar detectors, for those who haven't, they are a passive electronic device which warn drivers of speed cameras approaching, by detecting radio frequencies emitted by police radar using a superheterodyne receiver, the products vastly vary in quality and sensitivity, causing different results in speed camera detection range.
There are hundreds of different models to choose from as all manufactures want a share of the multi-million dollar radar detector industry.
Currently in Australia states except for Western Australia 100% it is illegal to use any form of radar detectors also known as speed camera detectors.
Which brings the question, why are they still legal in WA? There are many factors to consider, for example the job loss situated with the banning of these devices is immense, damaging our economy.
Studies show, as well as from my own experience, drivers who use a radar detector are paying more attention to the road than drivers who are listening are looking in the bushes for speed traps, or have three uncontrollable kids in the back seat.
Without jumping to conclusions, who is the safer driver on our roads? I believe there is an epidemic on the Aussie roads, I call it Speed Camera Paranoia! The driver's who are paranoid of speed cameras hiding in the bushes on busy highways and freeways, distracted with the burden of fear of being caught for doing 10km/hs over the limit.
Causing them to not pay full attention their surroundings and the what is happening 100m ahead of them.
By constantly looking down at your cars speedometer, you will surprised at how many seconds it takes a driver on average to look down, read their speed and look back up.
The same problem was pointed out by Mark Scaif on a well known legend in Australia V8 Super cars on an Australian Reporting program, view the video here.
One of Mark's most true points was that there are hundreds of probationary drivers (p platers) getting their license, buying a cheap first car with poor safety and poor brakes, and driving on our roads inexperienced.
Speeding or not, accidents occur in all speed zones, more commonly in intersections.
Then there are the motorists who own a radar detector, specifically bought to be able to drive with a peace of mind on the road, without the worry as a result drive safer.
The improvement in concentration comes with the fact of knowing if a nasty revenue raising speed camera is about to appear after the 100km/h changing speed zone.
The Police and some media of Australia try to name and blame radar detector users as 'hoons' and a danger on the road.
Yes I agree with you to a certain extent.
There is a very small percentage of radar detector users who may by these products in order to speed.
But ask yourself this, are you trying to tell me that if suddenly this very narrow group of people called 'hoons' would suddenly stop speeding and obey the road rules if they lost their radar detector? I don't think so.
Our real danger is the drunk drivers, the suspended drivers, inexperience drivers in unsafe cars, and yes hoons are also a danger on the road.
A larger marked police car presence on the road is the best way to combat this issue.
Targeting the good bloke who goes to work 8am-5pm to pay the mortgage and feed his kids and owns a radar detector to stop those speeding fines coming in the mail at $75-$150 for doing 10-19km/h over the limit is not the most effective way in reducing the road toll, making more money, wake up.
If you are finding yourself driving without the ability to drive with a peace of mind and are constantly distracted by the hundreds of revenues raising speed cameras and police laser guns pining you on your way to work.
I would suggest investing in a radar laser detector system today.
Kind Regards, Rowan
There are hundreds of different models to choose from as all manufactures want a share of the multi-million dollar radar detector industry.
Currently in Australia states except for Western Australia 100% it is illegal to use any form of radar detectors also known as speed camera detectors.
Which brings the question, why are they still legal in WA? There are many factors to consider, for example the job loss situated with the banning of these devices is immense, damaging our economy.
Studies show, as well as from my own experience, drivers who use a radar detector are paying more attention to the road than drivers who are listening are looking in the bushes for speed traps, or have three uncontrollable kids in the back seat.
Without jumping to conclusions, who is the safer driver on our roads? I believe there is an epidemic on the Aussie roads, I call it Speed Camera Paranoia! The driver's who are paranoid of speed cameras hiding in the bushes on busy highways and freeways, distracted with the burden of fear of being caught for doing 10km/hs over the limit.
Causing them to not pay full attention their surroundings and the what is happening 100m ahead of them.
By constantly looking down at your cars speedometer, you will surprised at how many seconds it takes a driver on average to look down, read their speed and look back up.
The same problem was pointed out by Mark Scaif on a well known legend in Australia V8 Super cars on an Australian Reporting program, view the video here.
One of Mark's most true points was that there are hundreds of probationary drivers (p platers) getting their license, buying a cheap first car with poor safety and poor brakes, and driving on our roads inexperienced.
Speeding or not, accidents occur in all speed zones, more commonly in intersections.
Then there are the motorists who own a radar detector, specifically bought to be able to drive with a peace of mind on the road, without the worry as a result drive safer.
The improvement in concentration comes with the fact of knowing if a nasty revenue raising speed camera is about to appear after the 100km/h changing speed zone.
The Police and some media of Australia try to name and blame radar detector users as 'hoons' and a danger on the road.
Yes I agree with you to a certain extent.
There is a very small percentage of radar detector users who may by these products in order to speed.
But ask yourself this, are you trying to tell me that if suddenly this very narrow group of people called 'hoons' would suddenly stop speeding and obey the road rules if they lost their radar detector? I don't think so.
Our real danger is the drunk drivers, the suspended drivers, inexperience drivers in unsafe cars, and yes hoons are also a danger on the road.
A larger marked police car presence on the road is the best way to combat this issue.
Targeting the good bloke who goes to work 8am-5pm to pay the mortgage and feed his kids and owns a radar detector to stop those speeding fines coming in the mail at $75-$150 for doing 10-19km/h over the limit is not the most effective way in reducing the road toll, making more money, wake up.
If you are finding yourself driving without the ability to drive with a peace of mind and are constantly distracted by the hundreds of revenues raising speed cameras and police laser guns pining you on your way to work.
I would suggest investing in a radar laser detector system today.
Kind Regards, Rowan