Increase Your Average Vertical Jump: 3 Steps to Fast Results
Like any goal, when training to jump you should sort your priorities.
There are many components that all come together to give you an average vertical jump.
By separating this large project into much smaller steps we can then divide and accomplish.
Quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus Maximus, gluteus Medius, erector spinae, multifidus, psoas, abdominals, as well as many other muscles are all incorporated into the act of jumping.
As you can tell your average vertical jump depends on several things, but when we break these steps down you'll see how you can really increase leap.
We cannot try to increase this range of motion without respecting the complexity of it first.
Body structure plays a role in every single action we attempt.
The less fat around your muscles and joints will allow them to work better and faster.
So our first step when training to jump is being aware of your diet.
Don't incorporate, and always remove, things that are not healthy for you.
If you are really serious about training to jump then you will not ignore this paragraph.
This is something that should not be neglected.
You can't fuel a Ferrari on cheeseburgers and expect it to perform.
Protein is never a bad thing when building, or even improving muscle.
Stay away from fat and keep up with your carbs, because your workout should be burning the majority of those.
Average vertical jump like any other motion you do depends on what is fueling your muscles.
If you're not supplying them with the right things then do not be surprised if you don't see increase in leap.
Once you've incorporated the proper fuel into your body then it's time to build on your foundation.
Work to strengthen your core muscles as well as your legs and you'll see how to increase leap.
Target exercises can focus on the muscles we need when training to jump, jumping jacks, crunches, push-ups, planks, superman's, or even V-ups are a great way to warm up before starting a workout.
Also strengthening and preparing your muscles for fatigue, a barrier that always must be broken when trying to increase leap and average vertical jump.
Great core exercises when training to jump: Pelvic Lifts - while lying flat on your back with your legs both parallel.
Lift your legs up into the air so your body makes the shape of an "L" so you're looking up at your toes.
Bring your legs back down towards the ground but stop before your heels touch the ground.
If this is difficult place your hands flat and sit on them, then try again.
Then raise your legs back up in the air and pick your butt up off of the ground.
This is a great way to not only work your core muscles but your hip muscles as well.
Lunge Twists - start in a standing position with some sort of weight in front of you, whether a dumbbell or medicine ball if you can.
Step forward into a lunging position and take the weight or just your hands across your body.
It should be a nice fluid motion as you come closer to the ground your hands should be reaching across the outward knee.
Then come back up to a standing position and repeat the exercise.
You can also incorporate another exercise in, when you come back into a standing position lift your hands over your head and raise your heels far off of the ground.
Russian Twists - are an exercise that works a majority of your core as well as balance.
In a seated position with your knees bent towards your chest rock backwards so you have to tighten your stomach to stop from falling back.
Bring a weight to your chest and move it from side to side so it barely touches the ground.
Make sure to establish good balance when doing this exercise.
The more of these you do the greater the results you'll see on your torso.
One of the important if not the most important part of your body when it comes to moving.
Flexibility is also an important way to keep your muscles at optimum levels.
After you've gotten the proper fuel to your muscles and the proper base then you need to focus on flexibility.
Overall body flexibility is one of the most important parts of being able to jump.
Through proper consumption, training, and flexibility you can improve average vertical jump and increase leap.
There are many components that all come together to give you an average vertical jump.
By separating this large project into much smaller steps we can then divide and accomplish.
Quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus Maximus, gluteus Medius, erector spinae, multifidus, psoas, abdominals, as well as many other muscles are all incorporated into the act of jumping.
As you can tell your average vertical jump depends on several things, but when we break these steps down you'll see how you can really increase leap.
We cannot try to increase this range of motion without respecting the complexity of it first.
Body structure plays a role in every single action we attempt.
The less fat around your muscles and joints will allow them to work better and faster.
So our first step when training to jump is being aware of your diet.
Don't incorporate, and always remove, things that are not healthy for you.
If you are really serious about training to jump then you will not ignore this paragraph.
This is something that should not be neglected.
You can't fuel a Ferrari on cheeseburgers and expect it to perform.
Protein is never a bad thing when building, or even improving muscle.
Stay away from fat and keep up with your carbs, because your workout should be burning the majority of those.
Average vertical jump like any other motion you do depends on what is fueling your muscles.
If you're not supplying them with the right things then do not be surprised if you don't see increase in leap.
Once you've incorporated the proper fuel into your body then it's time to build on your foundation.
Work to strengthen your core muscles as well as your legs and you'll see how to increase leap.
Target exercises can focus on the muscles we need when training to jump, jumping jacks, crunches, push-ups, planks, superman's, or even V-ups are a great way to warm up before starting a workout.
Also strengthening and preparing your muscles for fatigue, a barrier that always must be broken when trying to increase leap and average vertical jump.
Great core exercises when training to jump: Pelvic Lifts - while lying flat on your back with your legs both parallel.
Lift your legs up into the air so your body makes the shape of an "L" so you're looking up at your toes.
Bring your legs back down towards the ground but stop before your heels touch the ground.
If this is difficult place your hands flat and sit on them, then try again.
Then raise your legs back up in the air and pick your butt up off of the ground.
This is a great way to not only work your core muscles but your hip muscles as well.
Lunge Twists - start in a standing position with some sort of weight in front of you, whether a dumbbell or medicine ball if you can.
Step forward into a lunging position and take the weight or just your hands across your body.
It should be a nice fluid motion as you come closer to the ground your hands should be reaching across the outward knee.
Then come back up to a standing position and repeat the exercise.
You can also incorporate another exercise in, when you come back into a standing position lift your hands over your head and raise your heels far off of the ground.
Russian Twists - are an exercise that works a majority of your core as well as balance.
In a seated position with your knees bent towards your chest rock backwards so you have to tighten your stomach to stop from falling back.
Bring a weight to your chest and move it from side to side so it barely touches the ground.
Make sure to establish good balance when doing this exercise.
The more of these you do the greater the results you'll see on your torso.
One of the important if not the most important part of your body when it comes to moving.
Flexibility is also an important way to keep your muscles at optimum levels.
After you've gotten the proper fuel to your muscles and the proper base then you need to focus on flexibility.
Overall body flexibility is one of the most important parts of being able to jump.
Through proper consumption, training, and flexibility you can improve average vertical jump and increase leap.