Tips On Being A Polite Camper
When you go camping where other people are going to be around, you can't just go on doing whatever you want to do. There are others out there that are wanting to have a good time that you need to be respectful of. There is also the land that you are camping on that you do not want to destroy or trash out too much. Find out what you need to do in order to become a polite camper.
When you get to your camp site, you need to clean it up. Of course it's not your mess, but you will be camping in the mess if you don't clean it. This is good for your camp ground but also your safety. The reason is because many times there is broken glass that needs to be dealt with.
Don't shine flash lights directly into people's faces. This is a huge mistake that many beginner campers do. The people can't see when you do this and you mess up their night vision. Point near the person but make sure you point off to the left or right while still pointing it down towards the ground.
Don't shine lights directly at someone's car or tent. The person might be sleeping and this bright light will be annoying and might wake them up. Some families bring along younger children that do fall asleep as early as 8 at night. Be careful about this.
Be quiet. Other campers have their own agenda. You don't know if there are kids nearby or a family that has gone to bed early and needs their rest. Many camp grounds have rules on quiet times that you need to respect or else you can be kicked out. Be a good neighbor when camping.
Make basic contact with the campers around you. At least wave and say hi. Keep it simple. You don't want to be in their business but at the same time you want to let them know that you are friendly so they will relax being out around you at the same time.
Clean up before you leave. Make sure the grounds look better than when you arrived. You do need to respect nature and the environment when you are out in it.
When camping, you need to learn how to be polite. Find out some tips that will help you get along with other campers and the environment around you.
When you get to your camp site, you need to clean it up. Of course it's not your mess, but you will be camping in the mess if you don't clean it. This is good for your camp ground but also your safety. The reason is because many times there is broken glass that needs to be dealt with.
Don't shine flash lights directly into people's faces. This is a huge mistake that many beginner campers do. The people can't see when you do this and you mess up their night vision. Point near the person but make sure you point off to the left or right while still pointing it down towards the ground.
Don't shine lights directly at someone's car or tent. The person might be sleeping and this bright light will be annoying and might wake them up. Some families bring along younger children that do fall asleep as early as 8 at night. Be careful about this.
Be quiet. Other campers have their own agenda. You don't know if there are kids nearby or a family that has gone to bed early and needs their rest. Many camp grounds have rules on quiet times that you need to respect or else you can be kicked out. Be a good neighbor when camping.
Make basic contact with the campers around you. At least wave and say hi. Keep it simple. You don't want to be in their business but at the same time you want to let them know that you are friendly so they will relax being out around you at the same time.
Clean up before you leave. Make sure the grounds look better than when you arrived. You do need to respect nature and the environment when you are out in it.
When camping, you need to learn how to be polite. Find out some tips that will help you get along with other campers and the environment around you.