How to Bundle Firewood
- 1). With a chainsaw, cut firewood logs into pieces that are 15 to 18 inches in length. Be consistent about the length you cut, as it will make it easier for bundling and calculating amounts.
- 2). Using the ax or maul, split the cut logs. They will dry more efficiently and be ready for the fire without any additional work.
- 3). Stack the prepared wood in a dry location to allow it to cure. Sometimes called seasoning or drying, it allows the moisture in freshly cut wood to evaporate, which makes the wood easier to burn. Drying time varies depending on wood type and the conditions in which it is stored. Generally, most wood is ready within 4 to 6 months.
- 4). Arrange the dried wood into small manageable stacks. Most prepackaged firewood bundles are from .75 to 1.5 cubic feet. If your cut wood is in 18-inch lengths, a bundle of wood that was 12 inches by 6 inches would yield .75 cubic feet.
- 5). Spread stretch wrap, like the kind used for wrapping pallets, around the ends of the firewood bundle to secure it. Leave the middle section open for air to get to the firewood. Your firewood is ready for hauling or for sale.