Dungeon Hunter 2: Rogue Class Skills
In Dungeon Hunter 2, the Warrior class can specialize as either a Beserker or a Crusader. The Beserker uses offense as the best defense, while the Crusader is a strong party character who can heal and boost the defense of his allies.
Dungeon Hunter 2 - Warrior Class Skills
Active Skills
Passive Skills
Berserker Class Skills
Active Skills
Passive Skills
Crusader Class Skills
Active Skills
Passive Skills
In Dungeon Hunter 2, the Rogue class can specialize as either a Death Walker or Archer. The Archer deals death from afar, while the Death Walker is the ultimate assassin.
Dungeon Hunter 2 - Rogue Class Skills
Active Skills
Passive Skills
Death Walker Class Skills
Active Skills
Passive Skills
Archer Class Skills
Active Skills
Passive Skills
In Dungeon Hunter 2, the Mage class can specialize as either a Shadowmancer or Illusionist. The Illusionist bedazzles the enemy, confusing them, while the Shadowmancer is learned in the dark arts, having power over death.
Dungeon Hunter 2 - Mage Class Skills
Active Skills
Passive Skills
Illusionist Class Skills
Active Skills
Passive Skills
Shadowmancer Class Skills
Active Skills
Passive Skills
Dungeon Hunter 2 - Warrior Class Skills
Active Skills
- Headsplitter (Level 1): A targeted strike that damages a single enemy and knocks him backwards.
- Earthstrike (Level 3): A furious strike that shakes the very earth. Nearby enemies are damaged and thrown in every direction.
- Shield Rush (Level 6): A lightning-quick charging attack. Equip a shield to increase damage.
Passive Skills
- Battle Hardened (Level 1): Defense rating improves. Improved pushback and interruption resistances.
- Inner Strength (Level 3): Increases your health regeneration rate.
- Leadership (Level 6): Both you and nearby allies gain experience at an accelerated rate.
- Potion Capacity (Level 9): Increases the maximum number of potions you can carry.
- Master of Arms (Level 9): Wield axes, swords, and maces with increased deadliness.
Berserker Class Skills
Active Skills
- Annihilating Spin (Level 12): An unstoppable 360 degree attack, damaging and pushing back all nearby foes.
- Bloodmoon Howl (Level 15): The scream of a madman. Enemies within range become infected with fear or paralysis.
- Crippling Strike (Level 18): Sacrifice 10% of your HP to inflict a crushing blow, stunning and knocking back your enemies.
- Unholy Strength (Level 21): Gain a damage bonus with 2H weapons. At skill level 7, 2H weapons can be wielded with a single hand.
Passive Skills
- Berserker Rage (Level 12): Deal more damage when your health is below 35%
- Bloodlust (Level 15): Each enemy you slay will increase your damage for a short time.
- Toughness (Level 18): Increase your maximum health points.
- No Mercy (Level 21): Each successfully landed attack increases your attack and running speed.
Crusader Class Skills
Active Skills
- Crusade (Level 12): Both you and nearby allies deal increased damaged for 12 seconds
- Alastor's Blessing (Level 15): Heals both you and nearby allies and accelerates health regeneration for 12 seconds
- Alastor's Protection (Level 18): Both you and nearby allies gain an armor bonus for 12 seconds
- Condemnation (Level 21): A holy light damages and knocks back all enemies on screen.
Passive Skills
- Spiritual Armor (Level 12): Each attack against you has a chance to stun or knock back the attacker.
- Elemental Strength (Level 15): Weapons you wield deal additional elemental damage.
- Conversion (Level 18): Your holy power compels your enemies to join you. Each attack has a chance to convert.
- Retribution (Level 21): Each attack against you also damages the attacker.
In Dungeon Hunter 2, the Rogue class can specialize as either a Death Walker or Archer. The Archer deals death from afar, while the Death Walker is the ultimate assassin.
Dungeon Hunter 2 - Rogue Class Skills
Active Skills
- Heel Strike (Level 1): A flying overhead kick. Your landing shakes the very earth, damaging nearby enemies.
- Vicious Strike (Level 3): Stun your enemies with sand, and then unleash a merciless succession of slashes.
- Featherfoot (Level 6): Your running and attack speeds increase for a short time.
- Desert Pinwill (Level 9): An explosive all-around attack, damaging and stunning all nearby enemies.
Passive Skills
- Ambidextrous (Level 1): Gain bonus damage on your off-hand weapon. At skill level 7, you can use main-hand weapons with your off-hand.
- Reflex (Level 3): Your dodge rating increases.
- Marked for Death (Level 6): Land successive attacks on the same enemy to gain an ever-increasing damage bonus.
- Discover Weakness (Level 9): Your critical hit rate increases.
Death Walker Class Skills
Active Skills
- Returning Knife (Level 12): Paralyzes an opponent and draws him toward you. Seems very short range.
- Concealing Cloud ((Level 15): Summon an all-concealing cloud. Enemies cannot detect you.
- Plague Edge (Level 18): The curse of the bloodsands lives on. Your attacks have a chance to slow and poison the enemy.
- Assassinate (Level 21): Does massive damage. May kill weaker enemies in a single hit.
Passive Skills
- Shadow Force (Level 12): Your attacks deal additional damage to stunned or unaltered enemies.
- Treasure Hunter (Level 15): Increases the amount of gold found.
- Numbing Studs (Level 18): Each attack against you has a chance to slow the attacker.
- Parrying (Level 21): Your defense rating is increased.
Archer Class Skills
Active Skills
- Pierce Shot (Level 12): Fire a powerful arrow which pierces through multiple targets
- Maim Shot (Level 15): Your supernatural accuracy skewers your enemies' limbs, pinning them to the ground.
- Venom Shot (Level 15): Poison your enemies with a venom-tipped arrow.
- Rain of Arrows (Level 18): Fire three arrows in rapid succession, automatically targeting nearby enemies.
- Burst shot (Level 21): Fire an arrow that explodes on impact, damaging nearby enemies.
Passive Skills
- Bow Mastery (Level 12): Your bow attacks deal additional damage and are more accurate.
- Deflection (Level 18): Enemies that attack you may be knocked back.
- Wound (Level 21): Enemies wounded by your arrows may be slowed down.
In Dungeon Hunter 2, the Mage class can specialize as either a Shadowmancer or Illusionist. The Illusionist bedazzles the enemy, confusing them, while the Shadowmancer is learned in the dark arts, having power over death.
Dungeon Hunter 2 - Mage Class Skills
Active Skills
- Cold Ray (Level 1): Evoke a cone of snow that inflicts water damage to enemies ahead.
- Doppelganger (Level 3): Teleport to safety while leaving behind an explosive stone doppelganger.
- Stormslave (Level 6): An all-consuming storm pulls and damages your enemies. Deals elemental air damage.
- Thunder Braid (Level 9): A bolt of lightning leaps from target to target. Damage is reduced for each additional target.
Passive Skills
- Wizardry (Level 1): Your staff and wand attacks deal additional damage.
- Ward of Protection (Level 3): Increases your chance to dodge and maximum HP ( 1 dodge/ 10 HP per point)
- Elemental Mastery (Level 6): Increases all elemental damage while boosting all elemental resistance.
- Faerie Blood (Level 9): Faerie spells are available faster after use.
Illusionist Class Skills
Active Skills
- Eclipse (Level 12): Enemies have a hard time hitting you for a short time.
- Confusion (Level 15): Bind an enemy to your will and make it an ally.
- Nightmare (Level 18): Spirits haunt and torment your enemies, damaging and immobilizing them.
- Hold Time (Level 21): Slow all enemies.
Passive Skills
- Charisma (Level 12): Your party's damage, attack ratings and spell hit chance improve.
- Magnetic Shield (Level 15): Increases your armor. Enemies who attack you may be stunned.
- Hypnotic Gaze (Level 18): Enemies that attack you may join and fight alongside you.
- Withering Touch (Level 21): Each successful attack against an enemy lowers the damage it does.
Shadowmancer Class Skills
Active Skills
- Summon Undead (Level 12): Summon up to 3 undead creatures to fight by your side.
- Reaperstorm (Level 15): Summon a hail of burning meteors upon your enemies. Deal elemental fire damage.
- Pestilence Breath (Level 18): Curses a target. If the enemy dies while cursed, he will explode and damage nearby targets.
- Harrowing Grasp (Level 21): A demonic attack. A giant hand shatters your enemies' bones, inflicting elemental earth damage.
Passive Skills
- Drainsphere (Level 12): Regain MP when attacking enemies. MP gain is a % of the damage you deal.
- Spell Overdrive (Level 15): Your elemental attacks gain a damage bonus when your health falls below 40%.
- Souleater (Level 18): Regenerate a small amount of HP for each enemy killed.
- Putrid Stench (Level 21): Enemies that use melee attacks on you may be poisoned.