Helpful Tips To Build Long Lasting Lean Muscle
Building muscle is an art and take much dedication to get the results you want.
As a former competitive power lifter and competitive athlete this was something that was always preached to me, BUILD MUSCLE.
The only problem was, I didn't think anyone really knew what they were talking about.
I wasn't a real big fan of supplements because at this time of my life I was growing naturally.
Now as a personal trainer I have devoted my time to providing people across the world with the most up to date, current, and healthy ways to go about their life in the fitness world.
Here is what I USED to do, and what I do now.
There is a HUGE difference.
I started taking supplements like your typical whey protein, I took creatine for less than a month (I felt like CRAP).
and some other products at the time that contained ephedrine (until I felt like I was having a heart attack).
The problem was, when I took these supplements I just felt like darn right CRAP! That is no lie, it would make me sick to my stomach and I soon found out why.
Needless to say, I haven't had any of the above products or anything like them in a LONG LONG LONG TIME! Here is why.
It's almost common knowledge these days that it takes protein to build and repair muscle.
That's the problem, it's so common and such canned information that there are few restrictions or guidelines on what we need to take.
Very few people will tell you how much protein you need and WHERE you need to get your protein.
More importantly for lean muscle gain and full fat burning potential (because muscle burns fat at rest) you need clean healthy blood to repair the muscles, not a toxic environment in your blood that won't unlock your full potential.
This is what happened to me in the above paragraph, I had blood full of toxins, and had I know this at the time I wouldn't have went near the products.
The most CURRENT EXPERT research shows that you really only need about 25g of protein per day.
Silly enough you can get that just through proper "diet" and not have to supplement.
If you think you want to supplement to try to build more muscle think about this.
There are PLENTY of things we can put in our bodies that are BAD for the internal organs and "engine" of the body that will give us a quick fix solution and almost immediate results.
The only bad part is, unless you continue to DAMAGE your body the results will stop and backtrack.
The WORST part is, if you keep taking the products that pollute you internally to look "good" you will eventually hit a wall and experience symptoms you would rather not.
The body is VERY resilient, however when it had had enough it will shut down! Here are my top choices of for a more natural source of protein supplementation.
If you choose whey protein, find one that is grass fed raw whey protein as these are usually of the highest quality.
Most whey comes from milk from factory farms that have less than ideal living situations for the animals and fed things toxic to them.
This is why I WAS FEELING SICK! Much better alternatives would be a rice protein and there are some new ones on the market with next to no sugar that are TOP OF THE LINE.
You can check out some more articles on my website below to get more natural protein.
Another solid source of protein supplementation is hemp protein.
I typically use these in my smoothies I make instead of taking them with dairy milk, another toxic substance.
I urge you to find more natural sources to supplement with, I have suggestions for you on my site, as they will not add toxins into your blood and are a much better choice at getting the results you want and making sure they stay around long term without compromising your health!
As a former competitive power lifter and competitive athlete this was something that was always preached to me, BUILD MUSCLE.
The only problem was, I didn't think anyone really knew what they were talking about.
I wasn't a real big fan of supplements because at this time of my life I was growing naturally.
Now as a personal trainer I have devoted my time to providing people across the world with the most up to date, current, and healthy ways to go about their life in the fitness world.
Here is what I USED to do, and what I do now.
There is a HUGE difference.
I started taking supplements like your typical whey protein, I took creatine for less than a month (I felt like CRAP).
and some other products at the time that contained ephedrine (until I felt like I was having a heart attack).
The problem was, when I took these supplements I just felt like darn right CRAP! That is no lie, it would make me sick to my stomach and I soon found out why.
Needless to say, I haven't had any of the above products or anything like them in a LONG LONG LONG TIME! Here is why.
It's almost common knowledge these days that it takes protein to build and repair muscle.
That's the problem, it's so common and such canned information that there are few restrictions or guidelines on what we need to take.
Very few people will tell you how much protein you need and WHERE you need to get your protein.
More importantly for lean muscle gain and full fat burning potential (because muscle burns fat at rest) you need clean healthy blood to repair the muscles, not a toxic environment in your blood that won't unlock your full potential.
This is what happened to me in the above paragraph, I had blood full of toxins, and had I know this at the time I wouldn't have went near the products.
The most CURRENT EXPERT research shows that you really only need about 25g of protein per day.
Silly enough you can get that just through proper "diet" and not have to supplement.
If you think you want to supplement to try to build more muscle think about this.
There are PLENTY of things we can put in our bodies that are BAD for the internal organs and "engine" of the body that will give us a quick fix solution and almost immediate results.
The only bad part is, unless you continue to DAMAGE your body the results will stop and backtrack.
The WORST part is, if you keep taking the products that pollute you internally to look "good" you will eventually hit a wall and experience symptoms you would rather not.
The body is VERY resilient, however when it had had enough it will shut down! Here are my top choices of for a more natural source of protein supplementation.
If you choose whey protein, find one that is grass fed raw whey protein as these are usually of the highest quality.
Most whey comes from milk from factory farms that have less than ideal living situations for the animals and fed things toxic to them.
This is why I WAS FEELING SICK! Much better alternatives would be a rice protein and there are some new ones on the market with next to no sugar that are TOP OF THE LINE.
You can check out some more articles on my website below to get more natural protein.
Another solid source of protein supplementation is hemp protein.
I typically use these in my smoothies I make instead of taking them with dairy milk, another toxic substance.
I urge you to find more natural sources to supplement with, I have suggestions for you on my site, as they will not add toxins into your blood and are a much better choice at getting the results you want and making sure they stay around long term without compromising your health!