How Much Time Does It Take for a Wrinkle Cream to Work?
Have you ever tried a wrinkle cream and after a few days or even weeks look in the mirror and think ' this doesn't seem to be working".
Have you gone through countless bottles because nothing seems to work? If so you many not be using your anti-wrinkle cream for the recommended trial period.
In an age of quick fixes, wrinkle creams are working to provide effects faster but we must be patient with our wrinkle creams or we may be throwing out creams that would otherwise work.
And with a big but here - you must use them and use them as per the recommendation and usage directions.
How Much Time Does it Take for A Skin Care Cream To Work? The recommended trial period for a wrinkle cream to show anti-aging effects is 1 month.
Why you may ask? The epidermis is made up of 4-5 layers depending on the area of the body and is the outer most layer of the skin (what you see when you look in the mirror).
Cells are formed through mitosis at the basale layer or the deepest layer.
They eventually reach the stratum corneum (which is what you see in the mirror) and slough off within about 27 days - hence the 1 month recommendation.
Also, keep in mind that you have to use the wrinkle cream as per the directions on the label - which may be 2-3 times a day to see the desired effects.
You May See Some Effects Immediately If you have dry or dehydrated skin then you will most likely see a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles and softness to the skin almost immediately.
The moisturizing properties in the skin care cream plump up the skin almost immediately thereby reducing the look of fine lines and wrinkles.
What Makes the Best Wrinkle Creams? Read the packaging and look for the following words or phrases:
It is only through trying will you find the cream that works best for you.
Have you gone through countless bottles because nothing seems to work? If so you many not be using your anti-wrinkle cream for the recommended trial period.
In an age of quick fixes, wrinkle creams are working to provide effects faster but we must be patient with our wrinkle creams or we may be throwing out creams that would otherwise work.
And with a big but here - you must use them and use them as per the recommendation and usage directions.
How Much Time Does it Take for A Skin Care Cream To Work? The recommended trial period for a wrinkle cream to show anti-aging effects is 1 month.
Why you may ask? The epidermis is made up of 4-5 layers depending on the area of the body and is the outer most layer of the skin (what you see when you look in the mirror).
Cells are formed through mitosis at the basale layer or the deepest layer.
They eventually reach the stratum corneum (which is what you see in the mirror) and slough off within about 27 days - hence the 1 month recommendation.
Also, keep in mind that you have to use the wrinkle cream as per the directions on the label - which may be 2-3 times a day to see the desired effects.
You May See Some Effects Immediately If you have dry or dehydrated skin then you will most likely see a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles and softness to the skin almost immediately.
The moisturizing properties in the skin care cream plump up the skin almost immediately thereby reducing the look of fine lines and wrinkles.
What Makes the Best Wrinkle Creams? Read the packaging and look for the following words or phrases:
- increase collagen - to firm the skin
- slough off dead skin cells - helps speed up the skin's process so new cells appear quicker
- lighten or brighten the skin - to reduce the look of hyperpigmentation or age spots
- anti-oxidants - fight excessive oxidation
- inhibits muscle to contract - reduces wrinkles caused by repeated expressions
It is only through trying will you find the cream that works best for you.