How to Make Natural Kinky Hair Relax
Things You'll Need
1Wash and condition your hair. Towel dry the hair to remove excess water.
Separate the hair into four sections with hair clips. Place a large towel over your shoulders to protect your skin.
Apply the hair texturizer with the applicator brush. Make sure to coat every strand. Once you're done applying the texturizer to one section, undo the clips and continue applying until all the hair is covered. Comb the texturizer through each strand if you want a straighter look.
Cover your hair with a shower cap, and wait until the texturizer has processed. Check the instructions on your kit to determine how long to leave the texturizer on.
Rinse off the texturizer with warm water. Towel dry your hair, then apply the neutralizer for the allotted time (usually 10 minutes). Thoroughly rinse off the neutralizer, and then style your hair as usual.