How to Rewire an Antenna TV
- 1). Remove the coaxial wire cable from the back of your TV and unplug the cable from the TV antenna. Unscrew the caps from each end of the coaxial cable plugs. Remove the clip holding the outer wire mesh from the cable.
- 2). Cut each end of the cable to a point where the cable is "like new." If the cable is in poor condition, replace it. Coaxial cable is not expensive and can be purchased in most electronics stores. Always replace the TV coaxial plugs.
- 3). Strip half-inch of the plastic coating from one end of the cable to expose the wire mesh which covers the central core. Undo the mesh carefully and push up the wire so it gathers neatly at the outer plastic coating to expose the central insulation.
- 4). Strip about 1/4 inch of the insulation using a sharp knife. You are left with the central wire that carries your TV picture.
- 5). Remove the cover from the TV coaxial plug. There are now three parts: the cover, clamp and main plug. Insert the cable through the cover so the threaded end faces the end of the wire.
- 6). Push the clamp over the cable so it completely covers the wire mesh. The top of the clamp can be opened to allow easy access. Tighten the clamp with your figures over the wire mesh. Use electrical pliers for a tighter fit.
- 7). Insert the central wire into the pin of the plug until the outer insulation touches the plug. The clamp and wire mesh should sit neatly in the plug. If it doesn't, strip a little more insulation from the central core.
- 8). Screw the coaxial plug cover on tightly. Hold the plug and gently pull the wire to ensure there is no movement.
- 9). Repeat steps 3 through 8 to the other end of the TV coaxial cable.
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Plug one end into the TV antenna and the other in the back of your TV. You should now have good picture quality.