Alternative Auto Financing
- If you have a credit card with a large credit limit, you may be able to pay for your auto by doing a balance transfer. There could be a fee of 3 percent of the balance transfer amount, which could max out at $75. A lot of credit cards offer promotional rates of 0 percent for six to 18 months. The entire time you pay no finance charges. Check the terms and conditions to see what the standard rate will be after the introductory rate expires.
- You can finance your auto using a home equity line of credit. This type of loan uses the equity in your home. The amount of equity you have is determined by subtracting the mortgage balance from the homes value. The interest you pay may be tax deductible, which is another advantage of using your home. If you fail to make payments the lender could foreclose and take your home. There could be fees assessed, but you will receive a lower interest rate.
- Credit unions have historically offered lower interest rates for loans. To qualify for financing you will need to be a member of the credit union. Financing from a credit union could save you thousands of dollars in finance charges during the life of the loan.
- If you have a whole-life insurance policy, you build up a cash value every time you make your monthly premiums. Insurance companies allow you to borrow from the cash value at a low interest rate. The amount that you borrow reduces the amount of money available to your beneficiaries in the event it is not paid back. The rate of interest you are charged will be in the area of 7 percent.
- When you refinance your mortgage you can get cash out from the equity and purchase an automobile. There will be closing costs and other fees but you will be able to receive a low interest rate. Your automobile will lose value during the term of the mortgage loan. Make sure you know how long it will take to recover your fees.
Credit Card
Home Equity
Credit Union
Insurance Policy