Things to Make with an Altoids Tin
- The "curiously strong" breath mints, Altoids, come in a little tin box that makes it convenient to carry the mints in your pocket, purse or backpack. And, when the mints are gone, you are left with a tin full of possibilities. Turn your leftover Altoids tins into several different useful items.
- Recycle an Altoids tin into a sewing kit small enough to keep in your purse for those times you tear a seam or lose a button. Trace the bottom of the tin onto 2 pieces of cardboard from an old cereal box. Cut out both pieces and cover them in fabric. Stick hand-sewing needles and a few safety pins through one of the fabric-covered pieces and secure them to the lid of the tin with a few self-adhesive fastener tape circles. Glue the other piece down to the bottom of the tin. Place a few repair essentials inside the tin, such as spare buttons in a variety of sizes, mini sewing scissors, thimble, a few spools of thread and a tape measure. Close the tin and toss it in your purse, pocket, backpack or office desk drawer.
- Pack your old Altoids tin with items that come in handy when you cut yourself or develop a painful headache while away from home. Trace the bottom of your tin onto a piece of felt twice with tailor's chalk. Cut out the tracings and hot glue the felt pieces to the bottom and inside lid of the can to keep items from rattling around inside. Place 2 to 3 of the following items in the tin: alcohol wipes, self-adhesive bandages (in a few different sizes), analgesics (painkillers), allergy tablets and cotton swabs. Add small amounts of gauze and medical tape as well. Store the tin in your purse, backpack or car's glove compartment, so it is handy when needed.
- If you've ever worried about what you would do if you found yourself lost in the wilderness, then you have probably given some thought to a survival kit. Of course, you don't want to lug around a large box full of items when you are already carrying a backpack full of gear. Create your own mini-survival kit in an Altoids tin. Place a compass, book of matches, oven bag (for collecting water), water purification tablets, fish hooks, fishing line and lure, razor blade and sinker into the tin. Wrap the tin in duct tape to keep it waterproof. Now, you are at least able to get water, food and fire should you become separated from your group on a camping trip.
- Being caught with no flashlight or candle when the power goes out can be a real inconvenience. Turn your old Altoids tins into emergency candles that are easily stashed in a drawer or cupboard. Melt microwavable candle wax in the microwave. Place two candle wicks on the bottom of the Altoids tin, one for each side of the tin. Pour the wax into the tin and let it cool completely. Tape a book of matches to the inside of the lid so you are ready to light the candle in an emergency without having to go feeling around for them. Stash the tins around the house where you will be able to easily get to them in a power outage.
Travel Sewing Kit
First Aid Kit
Survival Kit
Emergency Candle