Video: What Color Eye Shadow for Brown Skin & a Pale Yellow Dress?
Video Transcript
Hi, I'm Christina Farrell from and today's question is what type of makeup should I wear with brown skin and a yellow shirt. Well as you can see our lovely model right now is modeling a yellow shirt and my easiest and quickest suggestion for you is to look for a bronze eye shadow. This is not going to compete with a bright color of the shirt and it will also enhance the skin tone. It looks beautiful with any color shirt but especially the brights and neons that are really popular for Summer. Let me show you. As you can see, these colors are all have a bronze orange tone to them. Any of these would work well but right now I'm going to use these two to enhance the eyes. Now I'm just keeping the makeup very simple. I'm creating a small almond shaped color near the lash line, not going all the way up to the brow bone but instead just keeping it right here, a little bit under the crease. Now, underneath the eye, just do a tiny bit of that same color shadow, just to give a really nice soft smoky look. As you can see, the bronze shadow doesn't compete with the outfit. Instead it actually just helps to subtly enhance it and give an all over beautiful Summer look. I hope that helps. Thank you for watching the video. Once again my name is Christina Farrell from