Here Are Muscle Building Foods to Eat When Cutting Your Fat
When you're working out and building muscle, you'll be using your fat stores to produce testosterone.
That means you'll be moving tow steps foreword and one step back.
In order to get muscle mass without steroids, you need to eat a few steps ahead of your workouts and eat differently than you would if you were simply building strength.
Bulking up requires eating and drinking more carbs and full fats to stimulate your growth hormones but if you measure your fat, whether by skin fold calipers, bio electrical impedance or hydrostatic weighing, you will see that over a six week period of bulking up you will have gotten fatter.
That is why you need to determine, like a gambler, when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em.
You will have to switch your diet to shedding fat but keeping the muscle gains.
That means eating less carbs and saturated fats while cutting up.
Here are some foods to eat in order to keep your muscles and lower your fat level.
During your bulking up phase, lean meats should include some saturated fats in order to stimulate your growth hormones.
Now you need to cut back on the saturated fats and stimulate your metabolism with certain foods.
Oatmeal - is still the carb of choice for breaking the long fast in the morning.
This high nutrient cereal gives you fat fighting minerals while it protects your heart and regulates your blood sugar.
Fish - gives you lean protein and omega-3 fatty acids for your brain, heart and nervous system.
Hot peppers - This spice will speed up your mechanism with the ingredient capsaicin (found in cayenne and jalapeno peppers.
) Apples - this is the wonder fruit.
If you want to get a healthy dose of vitamins and minerals, apples work wonders.
They also supply fiber and help to satisfy hunger.
Grapefruit - is literally a fat fighting food.
Studies have shown that grapefruit really does help reduce insulin levels.
Be sure to check with your doctor if you are taking medication as grapefruit does cause adverse reactions with certain drugs.
Broccoli - the vegetarian alternative to milk.
Broccoli contains high levels of calcium and is also full of vitamin C.
Green tea - this is a metabolism booster and contain antioxidants for cancer protection.
Water - drink plenty of it when you are working out.
Your cells will thank you for it.
Yogurt - the old idea of milk being a fat source does not take into consideration that dairy products helps to stimulate testosterone production.
Testosterone builds muscles and makes you stronger; muscles burn fat better than anything else on your body.
These foods will either fill you up faster or stimulate your metabolism.
Watch your calories and execute combination exercises to make use of more large muscle groups when looking to burn fat from your body without sacrificing your hard earned muscle mass.
That means you'll be moving tow steps foreword and one step back.
In order to get muscle mass without steroids, you need to eat a few steps ahead of your workouts and eat differently than you would if you were simply building strength.
Bulking up requires eating and drinking more carbs and full fats to stimulate your growth hormones but if you measure your fat, whether by skin fold calipers, bio electrical impedance or hydrostatic weighing, you will see that over a six week period of bulking up you will have gotten fatter.
That is why you need to determine, like a gambler, when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em.
You will have to switch your diet to shedding fat but keeping the muscle gains.
That means eating less carbs and saturated fats while cutting up.
Here are some foods to eat in order to keep your muscles and lower your fat level.
During your bulking up phase, lean meats should include some saturated fats in order to stimulate your growth hormones.
Now you need to cut back on the saturated fats and stimulate your metabolism with certain foods.
Oatmeal - is still the carb of choice for breaking the long fast in the morning.
This high nutrient cereal gives you fat fighting minerals while it protects your heart and regulates your blood sugar.
Fish - gives you lean protein and omega-3 fatty acids for your brain, heart and nervous system.
Hot peppers - This spice will speed up your mechanism with the ingredient capsaicin (found in cayenne and jalapeno peppers.
) Apples - this is the wonder fruit.
If you want to get a healthy dose of vitamins and minerals, apples work wonders.
They also supply fiber and help to satisfy hunger.
Grapefruit - is literally a fat fighting food.
Studies have shown that grapefruit really does help reduce insulin levels.
Be sure to check with your doctor if you are taking medication as grapefruit does cause adverse reactions with certain drugs.
Broccoli - the vegetarian alternative to milk.
Broccoli contains high levels of calcium and is also full of vitamin C.
Green tea - this is a metabolism booster and contain antioxidants for cancer protection.
Water - drink plenty of it when you are working out.
Your cells will thank you for it.
Yogurt - the old idea of milk being a fat source does not take into consideration that dairy products helps to stimulate testosterone production.
Testosterone builds muscles and makes you stronger; muscles burn fat better than anything else on your body.
These foods will either fill you up faster or stimulate your metabolism.
Watch your calories and execute combination exercises to make use of more large muscle groups when looking to burn fat from your body without sacrificing your hard earned muscle mass.